Author: eaamy.carten@glow
Monday 9th December
Primary 2 are really getting into the spirit of Christmas! We have loved watching Home Alone 2 (P7) and singing along with the Carol Concert (P3). This week it is our turn, we look forward to welcoming you all on Thursday.
A huge well done to those who already know all their lines, keep rehearsing at home. Narrators will have access to a script if needed and teachers will be at the side of the stage to help.
On Tuesday we plan to have a dress rehearsal. If possible can all animals wear black trousers/leggings and a black long sleeved top and angels/stars wear white. All other characters can wear uniform under costumes or t-shirts/leggings/joggers if they find it more comfortable. Please label all items.
Diary Dates
Monday 2nd December
Monday 25th November
It’s a busy week in P2!
Monday – Homework ‘y’ and addition
Tuesday – Cinema Trip
Please make sure your child is on time as we need to leave as close to 9am as possible. Uniform must be worn on Tuesday. Don’t forget extra snacks (nut free) and non-fizzy juice we will be back in school for lunch.
Baarmy Bethlehem
Baarmy Bethlehem 🐑
All children were given their character today and those who wished speaking parts were given scripts. If you could read over lines with your child it would be much appreciated. We will be trying on costumes in school next week, the school have plenty of costumes but we ask that animals wear black trousers/leggings and a black long sleeved top if possible and angels/stars wear white. All other characters can wear uniform under costumes or T-shirts/leggings/joggers if they find it more comfortable. We will let you know the date for our dress rehearsal soon.
Monday 18th November
Diary Dates
Monday 11th November
Outdoor Learning will take place within the school grounds this week.
Coming Soon…
We have started learning songs for this years nativity, the following link will take you to songs and lyrics. By the end of this week we will have covered all songs in class.
More details regarding scripts, costumes and dates will be shared soon.
Monday 28th October
Tuesday 22nd October
Tuesday – Homework ai (click on the homework tab)
Wednesday –
Thank You
Miss Ellis, Mrs Saxelby and Mrs Carten would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated stationery. It is greatly appreciated!