Homework – 7 November 2023

Thank you everyone for having a go with your homework in your homework jotter. We are hoping to have TEAMS up and running soon, please bear with us as we get this organised.

This week we are all learning about ‘ea’. This can be a tricky one as it can make different sounds. The words we are looking at this week with ea make the e sound.

Red/Blue Groups

























This week try out these active spelling activities –

Write out your words in CAPITAL LETTERS

Write a sentence for 5 of your words.

We are working hard on sentences in class – REMEMBER – capital letter, neat writing, finger spaces, interesting words, full stops.


Common words this week are

head   pretty   another

Have a go at using the pyramid word spelling strategy for these common words


Your Bug Club account has been updated with new books. Have a look through them and remember to answer the bugs.

Have you tried the maths games we sent out?



Homework W/C 5/9/23

Hi folks

Remember – this week you have homework on your Bug Club account again for both reading and maths.  Spelling homework etc will follow next week.

Well done to those who have manage to access their Bug Club.

Accessing Glow and Teams

To access GLOW -your child has a username and password.

Usernames take the format   eap.  surname first name

e.g.  Joe Bloggs would be:


*please remember NO capitals or spaces.


To access our Teams app please see the following:

Glow passwords are being sent home with the children.

Please contact us if you have any problems logging on.

Report a Glow concern
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