St Ninian's Chatterbox

Dream, believe, achieve and enjoy!

February 16, 2018
by User deactivated

Devil’s Porridge

On Thursday primary 7 went to Devil’s Porridge. It was about WW1. It was  fun and interesting I learned lots. It was one of the best trips I’ve ever been on. My favourite part was playing in the kitchen with John, Kendra and Stevie-Joe. We were cooking and doing the washing up. Kendra kept taken the bacon out of the oven and she wouldn’t stop laughing. We had to dress up for cooking. There was this horrible soap – it was disgusting and smelly and there was food as well. There was two bits of bacon and a chop. I think the kitchen was just for show but we decided to play in it. John played as the uncle and I played as a mum Stevie-Joe played as the sister and Kendra played as a sister.  The dad was away saving the family at war. He was coming home that night and we were making dinner for him. Then we washed the dishes. My second  favourite thing was reading the passages on the touch screen. Dayton kept annoying me when I was reading it but I still managed to focus. It was about WW2 .




February 16, 2018
by User deactivated

Devil’s porridge

On Thursday we went on a school trip it was to Devil’s Porridge.

My favourite bit was handling the guns because they were really good to look at.

And my over favourite was the Sir James locomotive (train). It has been there for many years.

It was the best museum I have ever been  at. And I wood go back there again .

by Kieran Ascroft









February 16, 2018
by User deactivated

Devil’s porridge trip

On Thursday we went to Devil’s Porridge. My favourite bit was putting the German hat on and holding the Rifle and pistol.

There was a train called Sir James locomotive.

The museum was a factory called HM Gretna factory about 1m-2m woman worked at the factory half of them was girls.



                                                                                         by John Brown

February 16, 2018
by Tarley-Shae

The Devil’s Porridge Museum

On Thursday, Primary 7 went to  the Devil’s Porridge museum.  In 1916 over 10,00 Irish navvies built the munitions factory. It took 12 months to build and was named the Devil’s Porridge after Arthur Conan Doyle had visited and said the cordite mix look like the Devil’s Porridge. After the cordite was made, it was taken to a storage shed by train, then a different train would take it to the shell company, then they would put the cordite into shells ,then spare London buses, lorries, taxi’s would take the cordite to the battlefield. I really liked seeing and handling ww1 and ww2 items. I even gave Mrs Anderson a fright by telling her to put her hand in the feely-hole, there was a teddy rat inside and she got a big fright! At the end, we took a photo in front of Sir James the locomotive (Train). I really enjoyed it and hope to go back soon.

by Tarley – Shae Mossop P7

February 16, 2018
by Kendraleigh

Devil’s Porridge

On Thursday 15th of February 2018, I went to Devil’s Porridge with my class, It was about WW1 it was an amazing trip, we got to hold things from WW1 such as British Helmets, German Helmets and guns. We even got to look at a sword that was awesome! I was in Mrs Anderson’s group, she was an amazing leader, we also got to look at how women handled while men were away. The Irish Navvies built a factory because British Army were running out of bombs and fuel for the bombs, Over 10,000 women got into the factory.

The women had an amazing life there and they got to do what they couldn’t do before. They had a very good pay check. They also had their own spot were nobody else was aloud in that was their room.

My favourite part was when Jasmine was in the kitchen she was thinking it was her own kitchen! I couldn’t stop laughing.


I hope you enjoyed reading my blog about WW1.


By Kendra P7…



February 16, 2018
by User deactivated

Devil’s Porridge

On Thursday the 15th of February, we went to a WW1  museum near Annan.

My favourite part about it was handling real WW1 products. We were holding helmets, guns, caps and medic badges.

I liked seeing the train it is called Sir James locomotive. It was really big and we got to go inside it, it looked really cool and we got to get a picture in it.

I loved going on this trip and really want to go again.


By Dayton P7.

February 16, 2018
by Louise Jenna

Devil’s Porridge

On Thursday the 15 of February 2018, I went to Devil’s Porridge. We all got to do activities with three different people. We did handling with guns and hats (that we got to try on) we also seen things that the Gretna girls saved. Another thing we did was talk about what Gretna girls did to. Also we talked about the pots that they use. Then we had our lunch after so much talking. Then we did quizzes around the building – my partner was Bethany. Once we had finished the quizzes we got to have a look up the stairs . My favourite part was listening to all the voices on the touch screen. Then we collected our bags and headed of to the train and the train was called Sir James locomotive (train) then we got pictures. Then we went home.


By Louise

February 16, 2018
by Kacey-Ann

Devil’s Porridge

On Thursday the 15th of February we went to Devil’s Porridge and my favourite part was when I got to dress up as a soldier – it was really funny.  I liked the touch screen it was really cool, fun and interesting.  I liked the quiz  because it was fun and challenging you learned a lot about WW1. I liked the Gretna girls they would make cordite and load them to the train then the train would leave to storage room. That trip was the best. I would go again. It made me learn a lot. Also the train was really good. It was funny when I got to see the photos. It was fun to hold the items – mostly the helmets and guns.

by Kacey


February 16, 2018
by User deactivated

Devil’s Porridge

Yesterday  P7 went to a WW1 museum. I really liked handling the guns and the other WW1 stuff like helmets swords and other things. I liked the quiz/hunt. After that we went outside and went to the Sir James (train) we all got to go inside of  the train. We all had a very good day at Devil’s Porridge and we got on the bus and went back to school. When we got to school we looked at the blog.

by Jackson Fitzpatrick .





February 16, 2018
by Chloe

Devil’s Porridge

On Thursday the 15th February, St Ninian’s P7 went to the Devil’s porridge to learn more about WW1. We all had so much fun. My favourite thing was touching all the items and dressing up. In 1916 Irish navvies came and they built the munition factory. They had lots of fun things they taught us what the women did in the war. They worked at the munition factory. They where allowed to go to the cinema with friends and play hockey football and cricket. It was really fun, we got to walk about and look at all the things. They had things to listen to and dress up and we got to look at the things like what they wore and what they used. The girls had really small rooms but that was great to them because at home they would have to stay in a room with about ten people in it. I would go again.

By Chloe


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