St Ninian's Chatterbox

Dream, believe, achieve and enjoy!

December 15, 2016
by Mrs Storey

P7 Mannequin Challenge

Primary 7 were challenged by their buddies to create a Mannequin video. We set our scene in the cloakroom, as we were ready to leave. It took a few takes, but we think it turned out really well. Unfortunately, we’ve been having a few technical difficulties as it appears the video is too big for our BLOG. We will try to get it sorted.

[EDIT] Technical gremlins begone! Here’s our P7 Mannequin video.

We now nominate Primary 6. Good luck!

Mrs Storey and Primary 7

December 6, 2016
by User deactivated

Letters to Santa

We have been very busy in Nursery writing our letters to Santa.  Last Wednesday we went to the Post Office to post them.  Some letters were smaller than others and we learned that small letters can go straight in the post box.  We took the big letter into the Post Office and Kenny asked us to put it on the scales.  Once it was weighed we paid him and he stuck on a special stamp.  Kenny then put the letter in the sack ready for the postman to take all the way to Santa.

We are hoping that Santa might have time to write back to us, if he is not too busy.

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November 29, 2016
by Miss Aitchison

P4 visit to Crochmore farm

On Wednesday 23rd November, Primary 4 travelled to Crochmore farm near Crocketford to learn about how our food is produced for our ‘Food and Farming’ topic.  We were accompanied by Fiona from RHET who helped organise the visit and the Clydesdale Bank who sponsored the visit.  We met Angus who showed us around the farm and told us about the animals he had and how he cared for them.img_0585 img_0586 img_0595


Next, we watched the cows being fed by a huge tractor and learned how much food and water they needed each day.  After that, we watched the cows being milked.


Once this was done, we walked over to a different shed where the baby calves were kept.  We were very, very lucky because we were allowed to feed the calves with bottles of milk.  Some of them really enjoyed sucking our fingers too.

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We all had a wonderful day and the whole class behaved incredibly responsibly.  They should be very proud of themselves for representing their school so well.


For 20 house points, how many bags of feed did each of Angus’ cows eat each day?

Reply on here to receive your points!

November 25, 2016
by Miss McKinnell

P1 Mannequin Challenge

Primary 1 have been very busy this week making things to sell at the PTA Christmas Coffee Fayre. This is part of their current Enterprise Bundle. To show you what they have been doing, we decided to create a mannequin video – some of us did find it a bit tricky remembering to be very quiet and not move! We also decided that we would like to nominate our buddies from PRIMARY 7 to create a mannequin challenge video to show us something they have been doing in class. Good luck buddies!


November 25, 2016
by Mrs Anderson

P7 Food Science @ MHS

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Today, P7 found out about the chemical reaction that takes place as we digest our food, with Mr Kennedy at Maxwelltown High. They put small pieces of vitamin c tablets into film canisters, added water then closed the lid and waited…In most cases there was a mini explosion as the lid popped off. Mr Kennedy showed us what happens if a whole vitamin tablet is put inside. The lid exploded off and shot through the air! This shows us the energy we get from nutrients. Energy to keep us warm and help us to  move.

Later, we were shown what happens when ethanol gas is lit at one end of a plastic bottle. The reaction cause sound, heat and movement energy as the bottle flew off. I’m glad we had our safety glasses on!

Thanks to Mr Kennedy. We look forward to visiting again another time.

November 19, 2016
by Mrs Anderson

P7 Challenge

P7, for 5 house points, answer the questions below:

  1. List the nutrients around our Eat Well plate.
  2. What is the maximum recommended amount of sugar a child can have per day?
  3. Give three examples of foods which contain protein.

November 15, 2016
by Miss McKinnell
1 Comment

Dr Bike Session

The Road Safety Parliament Group held a Dr Bike Session to ensure that all of our bikes were safe for the winter. Katie Robinson from Sustran came to do this when we were in lessons. Here are some photos of her and Kendra (a member of the Road Safety Parliament) completing the safety checks.img_0270 img_0271 img_0272 img_0273 img_0274 img_0275 img_0276 img_0277 img_0278 img_0279 img_0280 img_0281 img_0282 img_0284 img_0286 img_0287 img_0288 img_0289 img_0290 img_0291 img_0292 img_0293 img_0294 img_0295 img_0296

November 15, 2016
by Miss Aitchison

Our shoeboxes start their journey

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Today, Primary 4 filled Miss Aitchison’s car to the brim with shoeboxes ready for their first step in the journey towards meeting with the lucky child who would receive it for Christmas.  This year, our school donated 37 shoeboxes – a record number for St. Ninians.  In addition, we have also sent 4 bags of extra items and some extra money towards making up other shoeboxes.

Thank you so very, very much to anyone who has contributed this year.  At least 37 children will be incredibly happy when they receive their box and that is down to the generosity of our school.  WELL DONE!!!!!

November 11, 2016
by User deactivated
1 Comment

Remembrance Day

We have been talking about poppies today in Nursery and why we wear them.  We also all sat silent for one minute to remember the soldiers who have died in the war.


We looked at what poppies are made of. “They are paper and plastic.”


We looked at a famous poppy painting by Van Gogh and we painted some of our own.

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Look out for our beautiful poppy display!


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