St Ninian's Chatterbox

Dream, believe, achieve and enjoy!

May 4, 2017
by Miss Lowther

Eco Day

Eco Day was a great success on Friday 21st April. All of the classes took part and got involved in reusing, recycling and reducing! Primary 1-3 took part in litter picking and picked nearly 15 kilograms of litter altogether. Primary 3 hosted a face painting stall which proved to be very popular! Well done to everyone who took part.

May 3, 2017
by Miss Aitchison

P4 trip to the Roman Army museum and Vindolanda

On Friday 28th April,  Primary 4 went on an exciting journey across the English border and along Hadrian’s wall to complete their learning about the Romans.  Our first stop was the Roman Army museum.  When we arrived, we went into a Roman classroom and were taught some lessons from Vilius our teacher.  We learned about Roman numerals, Aesop’s fables, the Roman empire and how to write and speak latin.

After that, we got to have a good look around the museum.  We saw examples of Roman coins, food, weapons and clothes.  We even got a go of a bow.

Next, we went back on the bus and travelled a short way to Vindolanda.  The first thing we did was get a talk from a lovely lady called Penny who taught us a lot about the job of an archaeologist.  She showed us some things that had been dug up at Vindolanda and explained how they work out what each of the buildings  was used for.

Finally, our stomach’s groans were answered and we could eat our lunch!  Some robins joined us too. 

Next, we had a look inside that museum and spent all of our money in the gift shop.

After having a good look around the site (and climbing a very big hill) we had a little bit of fun pretending to be real Romans in the Roman fort.  Then, before long, it was time to get back on the bus and travel back home.

The class behaved brilliantly and we all had an amazing time.  It was the perfect way to finish our topic.  Many, many thanks to the parents who came along with us and also Mrs White who gave up her afternoon off to come along.  We are all very grateful.

April 27, 2017
by Mrs Anderson

Our Place Lochside and Lincluden Update

Our Place 2 Update
Come and Meet the Friends of Glentrool Park!
Thursday 27 April 4pm – 7pm
We are holding a public interactive meeting on Glentrool Field, this is to enable the residents and public to come and let their views be heard.

What is this Get Together About?
Residents from Lochside have set up a new group the ‘Friends of Glentrool Park’ that aims to develop an area of green space into a play park with Big Lottery money that has been awarded to the area. The group are hosting their first get together in the park inviting members of the public to come along, hear all about the developments so far and get involved! The event is on Thursday 27 April from 4 – 7pm.
Come along, enjoy the refreshments and have your say. Let us know what you would like to see in Glentrool Park. This get together is for all ages – we want to hear everyone’s views. What would improve Glentrool Park and make it an area you would want to visit and use!

April 23, 2017
by User deactivated

ECO Day 2017!!!

Happy Eco Day!! I hope you are all having a wonderful day. Today we all had to where green and donate a pound and all the money we raise is going to Water Aid. Water Aid is a service that helps people all over the world that don’t have as clean water as us or even don’t have any water. Also today we have been doing Eco tasks like design a recycling logo, design a littler bin and a Eco word search. We also have a visit from a man from Scottish Water and he explained what we should and shouldn’t flush down the toilet just incase the get clogged up. He also showed us what happens in that sewers if you put something down your drain pipe and it clogs up (It was really gross). There was also another visit from Mr Service and he is apart of Dumfries Civic Pride and he was explaining how we should keep Dumfries clean by recycling instead of just throwing your littler on the ground because this can affect wild life as well and it can also kill animals because they can choke on anything and they can get plastic stuck around there necks. Thank you P3 and Miss Lowther for organising this day.             By Sophie Smith P7

April 23, 2017
by User deactivated

Eco Day!

Happy Eco Day everyone! I hope use are all recycling. At St Ninian’s Primary School we all wore green and brought a donation of a pound. There was Face painting that was a donation of 50p. A very big thanks you to P3, Eco group and Miss Lowther for organising this event! We had a talk from Mr Service to tell us about litter in our town. We also had a talk from a man from Scottish water that told us that we shouldn’t throw random stuff in the toilet, that should go in the bin.  Remember to keep recycling!


By Hannah

April 23, 2017
by User deactivated

Eco Day

Happy Eco Day, today is eco day. We dressed up in green for eco we also had face paints and junk models.

We had a talk from a man called Mr Service to tell us about litter in our town. We also got a talk from a man from Scottish water he told us about things that that could block your toilet and what you should put in the bin.


By Ryan

April 23, 2017
by User deactivated

Eco day!

On the 22 of April St.Ninians hosted Eco day!

When we went to assembly we had a talk with Mr.Service. Quickly he talked about Dumfries and the town how we should pick up litter and he showed us what would happen to the environment if  you drop litter.

We wore green clothes and had great fun, we planted flowers to see whose was the biggest.

Also we had a visit from Ewan from Scottish water he showed us what to put down and not to put down and he said flushable wipes were not flushable and normal wipes do!

Lennon Anderson

April 23, 2017
by User deactivated

Eco Day

HAPPY ECO DAY! I hope yo had fun because I sure did. There was this man called Euen he is from the Scottish Water he only went to some classes he showed us what stuff was flush able and what isn’t things you cant put down the toilet nappies, socks, sunglasses, and cotton wool I know that sounds weird but the men from Scottish water actually found them in the system so only put toilet paper down it.

Thanks to Mrs Lowther for organising it all.

By Olivia P7


April 23, 2017
by User deactivated

Eco Day!

Happy Eco Day! I hope that everyone enjoyed there day. Today everyone in the school got asked to where green cloths and donate a £1. What ever we raise goes to Water Aid. Water Aid is a Service which talks about how to help  to provide clan water who hast got it. Today people in the school brought in a 50p to get their face painted and p3 decided to do Eco day this year with their teacher called Miss Lowther. What would we do without them. We also had a visit from Simon and Mr Service and he talked to us about where to put litter. Simon was talking about how was Easter things. There was a Scottish Water guy who went around classes to show what not to put down the toilets and what is good to put down the toilets. Thank you so much P3 and Miss Lowther and the Eco group. THANK YOU!

By Maegan Campbell


April 23, 2017
by User deactivated

Eco Day

Today was Eco Day at St.Ninian’s and we designed our own recycle logos and designed our own bins. We had a talk about what to and what not to flush down the toilet, we did experiments with bottles of water, we got 2 bottles of water, put toilet roll in one and the other we put flushable wipes, and then we shook them to see which one would go down to the bottom. The flushable wipe stayed at the top and the toilet paper broke apart.


by Sienna

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