We have received an email with information about at Facebook page from Child and Adult Mental Health Services (CAMHS). If you feel you/your child would benefit from CAMHS input, the Facebook page is another way of accessing information, guidance and support.
NHS Dumfries & Galloway CAMHS & ISSU18 have recently launched our own facebook page to share resources and information on a range of mental health subjects for young people, parents/carers and professionals.
We would greatly appreciate if you could like and share our page through your school facebook page and with your students so as many people as possible can access these great resources – you can find it at www.facebook.com/DGCAMHS
We will also post opportunities for young people to share their views of our service and shape how we develop it. If you have any queries you can contact Michelle Cravens, Participation Worker on michelle.cravens@nhs.net or 01387 244662.
Many thanks,
Michelle Cravens
Participation Worker
The Willows
Glencaple Road