St Ninian's Chatterbox

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IDL- Prehistoric ages


In P7 this term we have been learning about prehistoric ages. So in the first part of the prehistoric ages we learned about the Stone Age and how they lived because they had to make there weapons, houses, beds, houses and clothes there selfs. In the middle of term we learned about the Bronze Age and they live just about the same as people in the Stone age but they were a lot more used to doing things there self and they made traps to kill more animals sadly and they started making more and better weapons than they would have in the Stone Age. At the nearly end of term we are learning about the Iron Age and they were a lot different compared to the people in Stone and Bronze Age they were actually farmers in the Iron Age. Although they didn’t stay together they all shared the same plot of land for the farm and they got the strongest animals to do the important part of farming. We are going to be learning a lot more about Iron Age towards the end of term and finding out a lot more as well.

By Sophie, Declan P7




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