School Uniform

A number of years ago the Sanquhar community decided that school uniform was the most affordable and practical way for children attending the school to demonstrate a pride and a sense of belonging in their community.  School uniform is worn by the majority of pupils and they consistently set themselves high standards.

We recognise that at times some families need support for their children to be in school uniform, and as such we are working to create a school uniform bank.  If a child attends school out of uniform they will be offered a uniform to wear.  Tutor Teachers will liaise as required with Pupil Support.  There will also be a bank of freshly washed pre-loved and new items of school clothing available for pupils to change into if wearing inappropriate clothing. Any donations to this school uniform bank would be greatly appreciated.

School Uniform

  • Black trousers/skirt/smart shorts         
  • School hoodie/plain black jumper/cardigan/blazer
  • White shirt and school tie or white school polo shirt/white t-shirt or plain white polo shirt      
  • Black footwear

PE Kit

  • Shorts/Sport leggings
  • T-shirt (no football colours)
  • Trainers


Please note that changing facilities are available in the PE department.  Pupils change into their PE kit when they arrive in the department.  If a pupil’s timetable requires them to attend school in their PE kit, they should bring their school uniform to change into after PE.

School ties are available to purchase from the school office.  Ties cost £7.  Hoodies and school polo shirts are available from Nith Valley Embroidery. If you would like your child to have a school blazer, please contact the school office.

If for any reason there is a difficulty in obtaining items of school uniform, we can certainly help.  Please contact your child’s Pupil Support Teacher for further advice. Thank you for ongoing support in developing an inclusive school ethos which supports and encourages all young people.


Can my child wear a plain black hoodie?

No.  If your child wishes to wear a black top over the shirt and tie, it should be plain jumper or cardigan.

Is the school hoodie available in black?

No.  The hoodie has been designed to match with the colour of the school tie.

Does my child have to wear a shirt and tie under the school hoodie? 

No.  The hoodie has the school badge on it and is being worn alongside or as an alternative to the shirt and tie.

Does my child have to have a blazer or a hoodie? 

No.  Your child can wear the shirt and tie.  The blazer and/or hoodie is an additional school uniform item which can be worn as an alternative to a plain black jumper/cardigan.

Can my child wear leggings or sports trousers? 

Yes, plain black leggings or sports trousers can be worn.

Does the footwear have to be completely black? 

No, it is okay for the footwear to be mostly black.

Local Authority Policy

All Dumfries and Galloway schools must have a dress code which encourages pupils to dress in a way appropriate to attendance at school.  This code must not lead to direct or indirect discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, gender, disability or poverty.  Prior to drawing up the dress code, parents, pupils and staff should be fully consulted, and it is the expectation of Education Services that parents will be supportive of the dress code.  Clothing which is unacceptable in school under any circumstances would include items which:

  • Could potentially encourage factions (eg football colours).
  • Could cause offence (eg anti-religious or political slogans).
  • Could cause health and safety difficulties (loose-fitting clothing, dangling earrings).
  • Are of flammable materials which may be a danger in certain classes.
  • Could cause damage to floors.
  • Carry advertising, (such as alcohol or tobacco).
  • Could be used to inflict damage on other pupils.

Parents in receipt of a grant for footwear and clothing from the authority will be encouraged to purchase items which are in accordance with the school dress code.  The award of clothing grants is to assist with the cost of school clothing for families who are on a qualifying benefit or on low income. The current award is £150 per secondary school child. Guidance and more information is available at

While it would not normally be the policy of the authority to exclude a pupil from school solely based on his/her dress, persistent refusal to respond to a reasonable dress code could be deemed to be a challenge to the Headteacher’s authority and thus be detrimental to the wellbeing of the whole school community.  In such circumstances, a Headteacher could justify the use of the school disciplinary procedures.