Each year, your child/young person’s school will send home a copy of the personal data we hold about your child/young person as part of our annual update process. If at any other time you would like to review information held as part of your child’s Educational record, you can do so as part of the Access to Educational Record legislation. In the first instance you should contact the Headteacher of your school to make this request.
What personal information do we collect from you and why do we need it?
- Data about pupils includes, name, date of birth, gender, and address, racial or ethnic origin, religion. It will also include information about any additional support needs and any relevant medical conditions.
- Data about the pupils’ family will include, names, addresses, email, phone number, emergency contact details and family situation.
- Data held will also include pupil progress, assessments and exam results. It will also include records of attendance, absence and any exclusions.
- We will hold data about when and where the pupil goes after they leave School. This includes information about their next setting, career paths or intended destinations.
- If your child is accessing school transport and school meals, data will be shared with School Mainstream Transport Team/Contractors and Enterprising DG.
When we record and use personal data, we will only collect and use what we need. We will keep it securely, and it will only be accessed by those that have legitimate reason to. We will not keep personal data for longer than is necessary and will follow the Council’s Record Retention Schedule and archival procedures.
Sharing Pupil data
If a child/young person moves Early Learning and Childcare Centre (ELCC) /School, we have a legal obligation to pass on information to their new ELCC/School/education authority. Sometimes we also receive information about child/young person from other organisations, such as, NHS, Police Scotland, Social Work, Additional Support Services and sometimes other organisations or groups connected to the pupil’s education.
We also need to share pupil information with other organisations. Law requires us to pass certain information about our pupils to the Scottish Government and the Council. This data is for statistical purposes.
We share your data with third parties who process it on our behalf, including the operator of our Education Management Information System, our schools’ intranet GLOW, and our text messaging provider Groupcall. For more details about this processing please contact miss@dumgal.gov.uk.
The Council take the security of your data seriously and access to SEEMiS is restricted to approved staff and by username and password only. The Council Data Protection Policies and Procedures make clear that all staff have a responsibility to ensure that they handle personal data appropriately and that suitable organisational security measures are in place. To prevent unauthorised disclosure, hard copies of data are stored securely at your child’s nursery or school.
The Council need to ensure you and your child’s personal data remains accurate, to assist with this, please ensure you keep your nursery and school up-to-date with any changes. For example, if you do not inform the school that you have moved to a new house, this may result in your personal data being sent to an incorrect address.
If you would like to access any information we hold, then you can do so under the Pupils’ Educational Records (Scotland) Regulations 2003, by making a Request to your child’s school in the first instance.
Schools take images of pupils for various reasons e.g. the prospectus; ceremonies (recognition of achievement, Prize giving, Sports Day etc.); functions (discos, charity events etc.); curricular activities (Communication Passports, performance in sport/dance, field trips etc.); extra-curricular activities (school sports fixtures, school excursions, class outings etc.). Images are also used to create a record of an event to show to participants, other pupils and parents/carers. To do this, photographs are displayed throughout the school; videos and photographs are shown to parents/carers, staff and others; media coverage arranged; prospectuses are published and distributed.
The Authority has a policy on the use of images of pupils. You will be asked to read this when your child enrols and to clarify your consent about the publication of images of your child, but you can amend your permission at any time by contacting the school office. Please ask at the School Office to see a copy.
More Information or Concerns
For more information on how the Council uses personal data, and to know more about your information rights including who to contact if you have a concern please follow this link
If you have any concerns about data sharing you can discuss this with the school office, or data protection officer at the Council via dataprotection@dumgal.gov.uk