School Uniform in Scotland

Please see below consultation around school uniforms in Scotland:

The Scottish Government has committed to introduce statutory guidance in Scotland which aims to address equalitied issues around uniform policy and reduce the cost of school uniform, as this can be a significant barrier to participation in learning.

This consultation seeks views on:

  • what should be included within the scope of the guidance
  • the role that school uniform plays within the ethos, culture and day to day school life
  • the considerations available to schools and education authorities in reducing school uniform costs
  • the draft principles which are intended to be incorporated as part of national school uniform policy

Who is this consultation for?

This consultation is open to anyone with an interest in school uniform policy, but especially pupils, parents and carers, education authorities and education authority schools, and those who provide school uniform items.

Skills Development Scotland Parent/Carer Survey

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) are looking to gather views from parent/carers of our services.  Your views will help inform our service delivery in the future and how we can best communicate our services to parents and carers moving forward.  We’d like to hear from you about your awareness and use of Skills Development Scotland services and how you talk to your young person about careers. Let us know your thoughts:

This survey will be open until the 31st May 2022.

University of Glasgow Open Days

Please see information below from the University of Glasgow

Open Days 2022:

We are delighted to announce that we can now confirm our 2022 in-person Open Day dates.  We are looking forward to welcoming back prospective students, parents/family and teachers back to visit our beautiful campus! The schedule is still being finalised but we expect these dates to include all of our subject areas, and a wide selection of student support and student life stands, talks and tours.

We hope to see you there!

The UofG 2022 undergraduate Open Day dates:

  • Thursday 16 June
  • Wednesday 31 August
  • Saturday 22 October

Registration is required for our Open Days, students can find more information and register their interest to attend here:


Upcoming Regional Events:

We have many upcoming regional fair and events which may be in your area, we would be delighted to meet you at any of these events. The September Scottish UCAS dates we will be attending are also now available at this link. get in touch with Fiona Black if you would like to discuss booking a school talk/event with us, virtually or in person:


Offer Holder/Prospective Student Enquiries

Following our last update on our new admissions live chat function we are pleased to say this has continued to go well, and we have extended the hours we offer this service.Our admissions live chat is available at 9am-3pm weekdays and our phoneline, 0141 330 4515, is available at 9am-1pm weekdays, excluding holidays.

Students can find our enquiry webform, live chat and chatbot (available anytime) here: would encourage all students/offer holders who wish to ask us a question to get in touch with us via one of these routes so we can help them as efficiently as possible.


Please note: Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine and performance (BMus) Music admissions have separate email address for questions relating to admissions in those areas, you will find their contact emails here:

DofE Practice walk

On Tuesday 3rd may, 7 S3 pupils undertook the walk from Wanlockhead to Sanquhar. This was in preparation for their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award later in the year. On the way, they practiced their campcraft and navigational skills whilst experiencing what is like to carry a rucksack full of everything they will need to take with them on the expedition. A few eyes were opened as to the degree of effort required but all enjoyed the day in the hills.