College course spaces available

Skills Development Scotland have made us aware of the following courses that have spaces at the moment – please note there are interviews scheduled for this week so some places may be taken then.

  • Pre-Apprenticeship Painting and Decorating Level 5 – 5 places.
  • Construction Level 4- 6 places.
  • Fabrication & Welding Level 5 – 4 places (dependant on numbers, whether will run or not)
  • Manufacturing & Engineering Level 5- 5 places (dependant on numbers, whether will run or not).
  • Engineering Practice Level 5- 2 places
  • Engineering Systems & Wind Turbine Level 6- 7 places
  • Intro to Engineering & Renewables Level 4- 8 places
  • Transport Maintenance Level 4  (STRANRAER ONLY) – 8 places

Power Hour for Exam Pupils

Examinations are TOUGH, stay calm and be prepared with support from S.T.I.L.L. Scotland.
All senior phase students (S4 – S6) are invited to attend a POWER HOUR during the second week of the Easter Break where we will discuss the tips below and make a plan for success.Here are 3 ways to help overcome exam anxiety!1️⃣ Find a tool that helps you feel calm. It can be anything, a breathing technique, getting cold, moving, changing posture, dancing etc. The important thing is finding a tool that works.2️⃣ Spend lots of time chatting about what comes after the exams. By focusing on what comes next, the exams begin to feel inevitable. This may appear a strange aim, however knowing a difficult thing is inevitable is much better for our mental health than trying to avoid it. When we know a challenge is coming we can begin to visualise those strategies for success.3️⃣Reminding yourself are not alone. Help them to identify who is there to help and in what role. Anxiety sends us into feelings of isolation and can make us focus on survival based on our own skill, and forget that people are a powerful resources.
There are only 15 places available each day, sign up quick (deadline for sign up is Thursday 30th March at 3.30pm).  The link to sign up is in the All Learners Team (Senior Phase S4-S6).
Let’s start preparing now!
Jen (S.T.I.L.L. Scotland)

Scottish Apprenticeship Week

Join on either the 7th or 9th of March at 6.30pm

Join the webinar to find out more about Foundation, Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships, support available on website and hear from the panel discussing:

· developing a CV and interview tips

· information from an employer about what they look for in applications/ interview process

· as well as apprentices sharing how they found out about their apprenticeships/ experience of applying and interview

Sign up

There are also DYW Live apprenticeship sessions taking place across the week too.

DYW Live Apprentice Showcase

School pupils can hear from a range of apprentices and their employers about what it’s like to take an apprenticeship. Choose from up to four 30min online sessions each day of Scottish Apprenticeship Week from 6 to 10 March. Apprentices and employers from a range of sectors will feature and some sessions will discuss current and future apprenticeship vacancies.

Register to attend any free session through the DYW Live website

We would also be keen to let young people know about a social media campaign we are running throughout Scottish Apprenticeship Week – encouraging them to follow the hashtag #ApprenticeShop.

During Scottish Apprenticeship Week, from 6 to 10 March, young people can follow the hashtag #ApprenticeShop on social media to get a better insight into what apprenticeships are like. Apprentices, employers and learning providers will share lots of information about apprenticeships across the country from a range of sectors including details about current and future vacancies, stories, films and more.

School Toolkit

If you are planning any activity in school it would be great to hear what you are doing and how we can support the activity. We’ve put together a toolkit to help promote your events – just click on the below link.

Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2023 Toolkit

February Update

It has been a busy term so far.  We finally managed to welcome our P7 Pupils and Parents! Our previous efforts had been thwarted by local road closures.  However a great night was had by all exploring the school, sampling learning opportunities and tasting the fabulous food on offer within the school canteen.  Many thanks to parents, pupils and volunteer staff who were able to attend.  Our Senior Phase Football Team plays in the semi final against North West Community Campus on Tuesday afternoon of this week.  Well done to Molly, Ella and Rowan who performed exceptionally well at the Dumfries and Galloway Burns Festival last weekend and placed for a wide range of awards – photos to follow.

We are having a non uniform day on 21 Feb, arranged by the S3 Geography class to raise funds and collect donations for the Turkey and Syrian Earthquake appeal.   The class are busy arranging a coffee morning to support the appeal which will take place on the 4 March – more details to follow.

The pupils February holiday starts tomorrow and pupils are off 22, 23 and 24 Feb.

The school will also be closed to pupils on the 28 February and 1 March due to industrial action.

Dumfries and Galloway Burns Festival 2023

Please see below the results from the Dumfries and Galloway Burns Festival.
All pupils have been invited to represent Dumfries and Galloway in the National Burns Competition in March.
S3/4 Recitation 
1st place – Ella McTeir
S3/4 Singing 
1st place – Ella McTeir
S5/6 Singing 
1st place – Rowan Hastie
2nd place – Molly McTeir
S5/6 Recitation 
1st place – Rowan Hastie
3rd place – Molly McTeir
Best Secondary Reciter – Rowan Hastie
Best Secondary Singer – Rowan Hastie
Best Overall Singer – Rowan Hastie
Best Overall Secondary Pupil – Rowan Hastie

Learner Pathway Conversations


Learner Pathway conversations are taking place over the next few weeks.  These discussions facilitated around your child’s Learner Pathway allow us to create our timetable for next session and have replaced what was previously know as option choices. We are look forward to welcoming parents and carers to join their child for these conversations.  Information on course options for session 2023/24 are available on the Blog/Web pages.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all family and friends of Sanquhar Academy. 

What a year we have had, filled with learning, laughter and fun.  To bring the year to a close we hosted our first Christmas Showcase. The evening was a great success with so many talented performers. Wonderful cakes and goodies were supplied by our S6 leadership team and Mrs Taylor’s Personal Development class. A massive thank you to Mr Gibb and the Expressive Arts Team for organising the event.

We were able to secure funding from Cash for Kids to provide a little extra Christmas cheer for a number of our learners. We have also recently found out that the hard work of the Senior Personal Development class has paid off and their planning develop a community café has had its funding approved by the Princes Trust. More details to follow in 2023.

We look forward to seeing all our learners return to school on the 10th January 2023.