Phased Return15-26 March 2021


Yesterday parents and carers were sent text messages advising of their child’s allocation of day/s for the 15th March until the Easter Holidays.  We are working hard to ensure that the timetable that will be in place meets the constraints set down by the Scottish Government  within their paperwork issued to schools on the 8th of March.

The following considerations have been taken into account within the revised timetable:

  • The need to prioritise pupils in the Senior Phase (S4-S6) as they complete the work that will be vital in helping them to achieve their qualifications and get the grades that they have worked for.
  • The need to ensure 2 metre distancing for all staff and learners throughout the school.
  • The need to reduce transition points during the school day, reducing the number of contacts on a daily basis.
  • The capacity on school transport to ensure physical distancing requirements.

Everyone within the school building will be required to wear face coverings throughout the day unless they are exempt for medical or additional support needs. Lateral flow testing kits are available for all staff and Senior Phase learners these can be collected from the school office.  It is anticipated that pupils will return to school in school uniform with added layers for warmth as appropriate. Windows will be open regardless of the weather to provide ventilation in classrooms.  Physical Education will continue to take place outdoors only, please ensure children come prepared for this if PE is on their timetable.

Pupils will be issued with their new timetable next week, this timetable will remain in place until June 2021.  All learners will attend classes in double period blocks to allow reduction in the number of contacts on a daily basis and the assessment of pupils work towards their qualification’s. Senior Phase learners have been allocated two days in school and BGE (S1 -S3) one day. It is expected that pupils are completing their school work across the remainder of the week by remote learning.  Learners who have a place allocated within the childcare hub will continue to have access to this place until their full time return to in school learning.

During the period of blended learning from the 15 – 26 March 2021 all learners are requested to remain on campus for break and lunchtime to support the community who remain in lockdown.  This will remain the position until the  COVID 19 tier level information for Dumfries and Galloway is released from the Scottish Government.

Senior Phase pupils who are considering leaving or are at the end of S6 will be required to remain in school until the end of June 2021 to complete their qualifications. Exceptional circumstances will be considered please contact your child’s Pupil Support Teacher or Year Head to discuss as required.

It is hoped that all learners will be able to return full time in school education after the Easter Holidays in line with the Scottish Government timeline, as always we await confirmation of this and any changes will be intimated to you in due course.

I look forward to meeting all learners next week.

Skills Development Scotland Subject Choices Parent & Carer Webinar

Please find attached information regarding a webinar being held on Thursday 25th February 2021 by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is offering to parents and carers helping their child with S2/3 subject choices.

Please share with your parents/carers as appropriate. Helping your child with S2/3 subject choices -support for parents and carers

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is offering parents and carers an online opportunity to find out more about how they can help their child make their S2/3 subject choices for the Senior Phase. Scotland’s Career Service has organised the virtual session on Thursday 25 February which will also give parents and carers information about accessing a wide range of SDS support. Careers advisers will be providing expert advice for parents and carers of young people in S2 and S3.

SDS also has a Subject Choices tool on SDS’s My World of Work website which helps pupils explore where options choices can take them.

This virtual event, which is from 6.30pm until 7.15pm, will also have a question and answer session.

To take part please register here.

The National Parent Forum of Scotland Webinar




The National Parent Forum of Scotland are co-hosting webinars with Public Health Scotland on returning to school.

The second webinar will focus on the return to school for children in S4, S5 and S6 and what it means for parents and their child.

 The webinar will cover –

– Who from S4, 5 and 6 will be returning to school and why?

– What will school look like for my child when they return?

– What is being done to keep learners safe – e.g. testing?

– What about assessment and qualifications, how will my child be supported?

You can sign up to attend the webinar here –

February Holiday and Relax…

Hello everyone,

We have reached the February Holiday.

As you are aware there is a planned return for some senior phase pupils to return to complete practical activities.  The numbers allowed into school in a day are capped at 20.  Senior Phase pupils studying, Practical Woodwork, Graphics, Art, Hospitality, Drama and Administration are able to attend for 1 day per week.  Parents and pupils who are eligible have been lettered to advise of the day/s that they should attend school. Transport arrangements are being put into place by the local authority in line with the normal transport provision for the pupils who will be attending.

All senior phase pupils and staff who will be attending school in person have access to lateral flow COVID 19 testing which can be used twice per week.

The First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon is due to update parliament on the 16 Feb 21 and confirm if the phased return can go ahead as planned. Following this announcement further details regarding the remote learning plan for Sanquhar Academy pupils will be updated.

I hope that you all have a peaceful and relaxing February holiday.  Thank you all for your continued support, hard work and dedication to ensure that the children and young people continue to progress with their learning at home.

Elaine Hetherington Cree
