Our pupils have had a very successful return to school and are looking fantastic! They are a credit to their families and the community. We are looking forward to our first full week next week. S1 pupils are settling in well and are already finding there way around the school and getting used to the routines at Sanquhar Academy. Mrs Taylor is very impressed with S1’s resilience and approach to getting to know each other and the school!
Senior pupils who have changes to their options for this session have been meeting with Ms McLean over the last few days. Ms McLean will be checking in with senior pupils over the next week regarding their courses for this session. As announced by the SQA we are hopeful that exams for pupils studying at N5 or above will take place at the end of this academic session. Our learning over the last two years means that we will continue to assess pupil progress throughout the session.
We know that you will support your children to put 100% effort into their studies as we work together to ensure success for every learner.
Pupils have all been advised that they are to remain on school grounds at morning break. S2-S6 pupils are able to go into Sanquhar at lunchtime. However as always the staff in the school canteen provide a fantastic service for all our pupils.