Christmas Light Switch On

Good afternoon!Image result for christmas time

The Sanquhar Academy Prom Committee will be attending both Kirkconnel and Kelloholm Christmas light switch on tonight and Sanquhar Christmas light switch on tomorrow.  We will have a stall at each selling festive goodies in order to raise extra funds for the senior prom of 2022.

Over the past weeks, we have crafted our very own handmade Christmas cards, finished with an added sparkle, which will be on sale from tonight at 6pm.  Also on offer, we have handmade hot chocolate reindeer cones, topped with marshmallows and perfect for a cosy Winter’s night in.  Last but not least, you can try your luck in our ‘How many elves work in Santa’s workshop?’ lucky squares, with the chance of winning £100!

We would really appreciate if the school community could come along and support us on this frosty night.  We hope to see all of you there!

 The Sanquhar Academy Prom Committee  

Children In Need – Final Total Raised

In total £338.04 was raised for Children in Need 2021. We would like thank everyone who has donated and contributed in the Pedal for Pudsey, guess how many miles cycled over the day and guess the bears birthday. A big well done to Mr Pagan who cycled 1.79KM (1.11miles) and Archie in S4 who won the overall competition by cycling 1.89KM (1.17miles). Well done to Mrs Taylor who won the bear guessing it’s birthday as 22nd of July and the teddy’s birthday being 26th of July. Also to Tyana who guessed 50miles and the total miles cycled was 49miles. A big thank you again and thanks to everyone who has contributed, it has been a fantastic day!
Jill and Geddes
Sanquhar Academy Captains 2021

Children In Need – School Captain Update

Just a reminder that for Children In Need we are asking you come into school in non uniform and ask for a donation of £1. We will come round and collect these donations. There will also be a pedal for Pudsey activity which will go on throughout the day where you pay a small amount of 50p to get the chance to pedal as many miles as possible in 2 minutes on the pedal bike. Along with that you will also be able to guess how many miles altogether have been cycled throughout the day. The winners of each activity will receive a prize.

Thank you

Jill and Geddes

WOW Ambassadors

I am looking to recruit 6 pupils from any year group to become My WoW ambassadors. These pupils would help support various events such as senior phase transition workshops, My WoW registrations, Parents Evenings, and option choice workshops.

They will learn about My WoW and build a profile as well as supporting these sessions to help others develop employability skills, support wider achievement and enhance their CV.

I have added a link below for more details:

If your child is interested in becoming a My WOW Ambassador they should register with their teacher and then meet with me in the Conference Room at 9.55am on Wednesday 24th November.

Beth Rennie
SDS (Career Adviser)

Children in Need – Pedal for Pudsey

Good afternoon everyone,

Image result for pedal for pudsey

As you know, it is Children In Need on Friday 19th November.  This year, as well as a dress-down day, Sanquhar Academy have decided to take inspiration from the One Show’s Rickshaw Challenge in order to ‘Pedal for Pudsey.’  We respect the efforts of the exceptional young people taking part in the Rickshaw Challenge so much, we have decided to give it a go ourselves.

During the day on Friday, all pupils will have the opportunity to make a small donation towards Children In Need, where they will then be able to ride on the exercise bike for 3 minutes, in a competition to see who can cycle the furthest.  There will also be a ‘Guess How Many Miles We Have Cycled’ competition, where those not keen on cycling can also participate.

Of course, there will be prizes for each winner.

We hope to see you Friday and good luck!

Your school captains, Jill & Geddes

Remembrance Day

On Remembrance Day pupils arranged an assembly for all learners, followed by a 2 minute silence at 11am.  Leisel, Archie and Molly presented and incorporated stories about their family members who have represented the forces around the world. Rowan and Megan played a beautiful rendition of ‘Tears in Heaven’ by Eric Clapton on the acoustic guitar.  Our thanks to Ms Moodie, Mr Gibb and all pupils involved for leading us in a very moving and poignant assembly.

Online help for school leavers’ parents and carers

As part of Scottish Careers Week, Skills Development Scotland (SDS) has a nationwide online session for parents and carers of school leavers on Wednesday 17 November at 6.30pm.

Parents and carers can find out more about the range of options available for their young person as they prepare to leave school and how parents and carers can support them.

Please use the link below to find out more.


Parent Council, Nov 21 Agenda


Our next Parent Council meeting takes place on Tuesday 16th November at 7pm on V-Scene.  If any member of the Parent Forum wishes to come along please send the school office an email and we will send you the login for the virtual meeting.

Our Agenda for the meeting to date is:

  1. Update on Construction works at the school
  2. Update on Staffing Allocation
  3. Virtual Parents Evening for this session
  4. School Improvement Plan Progress
    • Health and Wellbeing – becoming a nurturing school
    • Improved Employability Skills – Review of the whole school Curriculum
    • Closing the Attainment Gap – Creating a Learning rich environment anywhere any time
    • Improving Attainment in Literacy – Developing a reading culture and supporting potential gaps in Literacy development post COVID

Children In Need, 19 November 2021


This year we will be taking part in Children In Need.  We will be having a non-uniform day on the 19th of November 2021 to raise money for the charity.  Here is the video from Children in Need to explain what they would like us to do in school.

S6 pupils are arranging some activities on the day, more details to follow.

Any donation you could make will be gratefully received by Children in Need.