Welcome Back January 2022

Happy New Year to you all

As pupils return to school today we are delighted to see them back and ready to learn.  For pupils who remain in isolation and are having to learn from home all work is online through Glow.  Where teachers can they are putting work into Teams and other work is available through the National e-learning offer and the West OS. https://www.westpartnership.co.uk/west-os/senior-phase-resources/  and   https://education.gov.scot/nelo/

Prelim Assessments 

As you know Prelim Assessments will take place from the 12-26 January. Please let the school know if your child cannot attend due to being in isolation and alternative arrangements will be made for them to sit their prelim assessment at another time.

Lateral Flow Testing

Everyone attending the school building, pupils and staff are asked to take daily lateral flow tests. Testing kits are available online and through the school office.

Curriculum Consultation and Learner Pathway Option Choices for S2-S5

As we work together to ensure that Sanquhar Academy offers the best range of curricular options for out learners we are hosting an online consultation event for parents and carers.  We will be sending details to all parents over the next few weeks to join the event on V-Scene.  We will be considering the totality of the curriculum from S1 into S6, times of the school day and Learner Pathways. The event will take place on Monday the 24th of January 2022, 7-8pm. Current P6 and P7 parents are also welcome to join.

Further online information events will be held specifically for parents and carers of pupils entering the Senior Phase, S3 and S1.

Please continue to keep an eye out for updates available on the school blog.

Scottish Government Free Bus Travel for Under 22’s – Survey

online1.snapsurveys.com/under22travelsurveyThe closing date for all responses is 24th January 2022.

About the Survey

Do you have a child aged 5-16, or are you a young person aged 12-21? If so, please complete our short travel survey for a chance to win up to £250 in Love2Shop vouchers.

The Scottish Government will soon be launching the Free Bus Travel Scheme for young people between the ages of 5 and 21. This aims to encourage greener travel patterns, and increase opportunities for young people to engage in employment, education and social activities and not be excluded due to travel costs. Transport Scotland will monitor the scheme as it progresses to check on use and impact. The first step is to try and understand current travel patterns so that any changes after the scheme is introduced can be identified.

We would be grateful if parents/carers of younger children (i.e. those aged 5-16), or young people aged 12-21 themselves, could complete this short travel survey. The questionnaire asks about current travel behaviour, and your thoughts about bus travel generally and the free bus travel. This should take no more than 10 minutes to do.

Contact Us: If you have any questions about the work or problems completing the questionnaire, please contact our Project Manager, Elaine Wilson-Smith, at elaine@wellsideresearch.co.uk or on 0131 677 5522.

Christmas Food Bank Appeal


A massive thank you to everyone in the school community who donated to our appeal for items for the local food bank.  Well done to our S6 pupils who collected all the items this morning and thanks to Action for Children for collecting our donation.  I am sure that the donations you have all made will be welcomed by local families this Christmas

Wear Something Christmassy Day



Just a quick reminder that it is Wear Something Christmassy Day tomorrow the 10th of December.  As part of our Non-Uniform Day we are making donations to the local food bank. We are asking that pupils and staff bring in a food item such as tinned food (beans, veg, soup) , pasta, biscuits, or any other food donations. Pupils should drop off their donation at the stations as they enter the school tomorrow.

S6 pupils will also be selling the stock they have left from the local Christmas light switch on which includes hot chocolate cones and cards.




Christmassy Day for our Community

On Friday 10th of December, Sanquhar Academy will be collecting donations to support our community this Christmas.  We ask that all pupils and staff come to school wearing something Christmassy.  It could be anything: jumpers, earrings, jazzy socks, tinsel headbands or any other festive accessory of your choice.  

This year, we would appreciate if all pupils and staff could bring a small donation for the local Upper Nithsdale foodbank.  This could come in the form of tinned foods, pasta, biscuits or any other appropriate food donation. Our aim is to assist the local community, as well as host a fun Christmas-themed day for all within the school. 

At breaks and lunchtimes, the sixth years will also be selling remaining stock from the local Christmas light switch on, including reindeer hot chocolate cones at £1 and a selection of handmade Christmas cards at £2.  

See the source image

We can’t wait to see everyone’s Christmas clothes!


Your school captains, 

Geddes & Jill