Schools Challenge

Cash for Kids Quiz!


This month, Sanquhar Academy have joined West Sound’s Cash for Kids Schools’ Challenge. This includes two weeks of fundraising activities throughout the school, with the aim of raising as much as possible for our school. All money collected will remain in the school funds, to be used for wellbeing and end of year activities for all. We also have the chance for our funds to be topped up by at least £500 if we successfully place 1st, 2nd or 3rd of all Dumfries & Galloway schools entered.

To start us off, this Friday (18th March 2022) we will be hosting a quiz morning for ALL pupils and members of staff. By giving a donation, you will be able to participate in 5 rounds of fun, including ‘guess the teacher’ and ‘movie trivia.’ There will also be a mystery prize for our overall winner, so get your thinking caps on!

Keep your eyes peeled for more fundraising activities going on throughout the next two weeks.

We believe that this fundraising is vital in enhancing the school experience for all pupils, S1 – S6, and would appreciate any donation that you are able to give this Friday!

Good luck!

Your school captains (Jill & Geddes)

Calling All Parents and Carers – Scottish Apprenticeships

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is delivering a nationwide webinar to parents and carers which offers an Overview of Scottish Apprenticeships. The webinar is on Thursday 10 March at 6.30pm until 7.15pm.

We would also like to take this opportunity to highlight to you that the Parents and Carers section of My World of Work has been refreshed and offers lots of support and information, including access to the recordings of our Parents and Carers Webinar series.

View our playlist to access recordings of the following webinars:

· How to have meaningful career conversations

· School leaver options

· Option choices

· Introduction to Skills Development Scotland for S1 parents and carers

Suggested social media posts to share:


Parents and Carers – want to know Foundation, Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships and how work-based learning can open the door to a wide range of careers? Join our free webinar to find out more and put your questions to SDS Careers Advisers. Register here:


Parents and Carers – join SDS Careers Advisers to find out more about Foundation, Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships and how work-based learning can open the door to a wide range of careers. Register for our free webinar today:

Information for websites, emails, letters etc

Overview of Scottish Apprenticeships Thursday 10 March 2022

Parents and carers can learn more about Foundation, Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships on a free webinar later this month.

Careers Advisers from Skills Development Scotland will talk about the different apprenticeships that are available and how work-based learning can open the door to a wide range of careers. They will also be on hand to answer any questions that you may have about your young persons career development.

Parents and carers can register for our session here:

A’the Airts Exhibition

The recent exhibition in A’the Airts by Sanquhar pupils and staff was well received by those who managed to get along to see the work on show. The academy is grateful to those who contributed so generously to the book of comments, some of which are shown below:

“Brilliant to see all the artwork and photographs from the talented students at Sanquhar Academy. WELL DONE!”

“Fab work everyone!! Lovely to the Airts filled with your amazing creations.”

“Beautiful work. Very well done. Such talent! Well done teachers and students.”

“Excellent exhibition. We have some very talented people in this area.”

“Great work artists! Lovely pictures”

“Well done Sanquhar Academy. Some good work on show.”

“Well done, very interesting.”

“Fantastic exhibition, really enjoyed the variety of work.”

“Very good exhibition. Congratulations to all involved.”

“Super Exhibition. Well done!”

“So wonderful to see young artists being encouraged to show their work. Some great pieces, well done to all the pupils and staff.”

Languages Week

The Languages faculty recently celebrated Languages Week with French breakfasts for our three S2 classes , S1 and S2 pupils had lots of fun recording themselves in different languages and S3 French pupils interviewed staff to find out about their language learning experiences and opinions.

Music Practical Exams

The music practical exams will be taking place this year on the 2nd, 16th and 21st of March this year. The timetable for the exams is on the Music classroom wall. Pupils have been told when their exam is and emails will be send out to parents and carers in the coming days.

Each pupil should make their way to the Music department half an hour before their exam time to warm up.

Pupils are encouraged to attend extra practises during lunchtimes on the run up to their exam.

Good luck to everyone sitting a practical exam this year!

Safer Internet Day


Safer Internet Day 2022 is the 8th February with the theme ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’.

From gaming and chat, to streaming and video, young people are shaping the interactive entertainment spaces they are a part of. Safer Internet Day 2022 celebrates young people’s role in creating a safer internet, whether that is whilst gaming and creating content, or interacting with their friends and peers.

See our very own PC Adair providing up to date information on how families can keep their children safe online.