Author: Mrs Hetherington Cree

February Update

It has been a busy term so far.  We finally managed to welcome our P7 Pupils and Parents! Our previous efforts had been thwarted by local road closures.  However a great night was had by all exploring the school, sampling learning opportunities and tasting the fabulous food on offer within the school canteen.  Many thanks to parents, pupils and volunteer staff who were able to attend.  Our Senior Phase Football Team plays in the semi final against North West Community Campus on Tuesday afternoon of this week.  Well done to Molly, Ella and Rowan who performed exceptionally well at the Dumfries and Galloway Burns Festival last weekend and placed for a wide range of awards – photos to follow.

We are having a non uniform day on 21 Feb, arranged by the S3 Geography class to raise funds and collect donations for the Turkey and Syrian Earthquake appeal.   The class are busy arranging a coffee morning to support the appeal which will take place on the 4 March – more details to follow.

The pupils February holiday starts tomorrow and pupils are off 22, 23 and 24 Feb.

The school will also be closed to pupils on the 28 February and 1 March due to industrial action.

Learner Pathway Conversations


Learner Pathway conversations are taking place over the next few weeks.  These discussions facilitated around your child’s Learner Pathway allow us to create our timetable for next session and have replaced what was previously know as option choices. We are look forward to welcoming parents and carers to join their child for these conversations.  Information on course options for session 2023/24 are available on the Blog/Web pages.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all family and friends of Sanquhar Academy. 

What a year we have had, filled with learning, laughter and fun.  To bring the year to a close we hosted our first Christmas Showcase. The evening was a great success with so many talented performers. Wonderful cakes and goodies were supplied by our S6 leadership team and Mrs Taylor’s Personal Development class. A massive thank you to Mr Gibb and the Expressive Arts Team for organising the event.

We were able to secure funding from Cash for Kids to provide a little extra Christmas cheer for a number of our learners. We have also recently found out that the hard work of the Senior Personal Development class has paid off and their planning develop a community café has had its funding approved by the Princes Trust. More details to follow in 2023.

We look forward to seeing all our learners return to school on the 10th January 2023.

Parent Council Annual General Meeting


The parent council AGM will be hosted at Sanquhar Academy at 7pm on Tuesday 13th December.

If any parents out there that would like to become involved in helping shape the future of Sanquhar Academy they are more than welcome to attend.  We will be electing office bearers, discussing the constitution along with any other relevant business.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Skills Development Scotland – Option Choices webinar for parents and carers of S2 and S3 pupils

SDS are delivering a national webinar for parents and carers of S2 and S3 pupils on Option Choices.The webinar will take place on Wednesday the 7th of December at 6.30pm. This session aims to give parents and carers information about the support SDS offer young people at option choice time, as well as highlighting questions and information young people should consider when making these decisions and an introduction to SDS resources available to support young people and parents and carers.

See register link below.


Teachers Industrial Action – Thursday 24th November 2022


During the identified Teachers strike day of the Thursday 24th November the following arrangements have been made for pupils in receipt of Free School Meals at Sanquhar Academy.

Pupils who wish to take a lunch home for Thursday 24th November have ordered from the school canteen. Orders were placed by the end of the school day on Tuesday 22nd November.  Packed lunches for those pupils who are eligible and have placed an order can be collected at the front office at the end of the school day on Wednesday 23rd November.

Please find the letter below regarding industrial action issued to parents by Dumfries and Galloway council at the end of last week.

Letter for Parents – Schools Industrial Action 24.11.22

Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment – Phase 2 Deadline 16th Dec 2022


Phase 2 of the Independent Review on Qualifications is now open.  They have reached a stage where they are looking to gather views from a range of stakeholders.  Phase 2 concludes on the 16th December 2022.  If you would like to contribute your views, please complete the survey using the link below.

Here is a video clip by Professor Louise Hayward which explains the review.

Information on the survey and link is available within the document below.


Senior Phase Parents Night and Parent Council


It has been a busy start to the new term already and as you will have noticed from the calendar it is our first Senior Phase Parents Night on Tuesday the 8th November.  Pupils will receive their booking form tomorrow morning during tutor time to make their appointments.  We look forward to seeing our Senior Phase Parents between 5:30 – 7:30pm.

At the same the Parent Council will be hosting their meeting. Please feel free to drop in if you are interested in coming along.  The Parent Council as always is keen to hear from the parent forum.  Any parents who wish to come along to the parent council should come the the Family Learning Hub between 6-8pm.


Business Breakfast


On the 11th of October from 8-9am, we are hosting our Business Breakfast.  For the fist time since lockdown our local business partners are invited to join us. Employers will hear from our young people about how we can work together to help prepare them to be your employees of the future . If you are a local business and you haven’t received your invitation by email or messenger and you would like to join us, just let the school office know by telephone on 01659 50208.