If your child feels ill during the school day and we feel that he/she would be better at home, we will telephone you or your emergency contact. Minor accidents, e.g. cuts, bruises, are dealt with by the school staff. Serious accidents are few, but should one occur your child will be immediately taken either to your doctor or to hospital, if necessary, and you or your emergency contact will be notified. We cannot stress enough the importance of supplying the school with the relevant information we require in such a situation, i.e. your own home and work number and a telephone number of an emergency contact. Please remember that if your child stays in more than one home setting contact details should take account of this. We will request such information at the beginning of each new school year. Please update this as necessary.
First Aid
Education Services is committed to ensuring that all children can fully participate in the life of the school. Many children will require their health care needs to be met at sometime within the school environment, for most children this will be for short periods of time only, but for some children this may require more long-term planning and support. If your child has any health care needs, please contact the school to discuss arrangements. Full details of the support available and your role as a parent and the role of your child are contained within Health Care in Schools 3-18 (NHS and Dumfries and Galloway Council) which is available from the school. Schools should also include information on their approach to first aid in the school. The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 includes the duty of care referred to in the Approved Code of Practice to persons who are not employees but who regularly visit premises, e.g. pupils in schools. Schools should make clear that they have staff with responsibility for first aid with appropriate training that includes administering first aid, reporting in line with the Accident and Incident Reporting procedures and keeping a record of first aid administered.