Examinations are TOUGH, stay calm and be prepared with support from S.T.I.L.L. Scotland.
All senior phase students (S4 – S6) are invited to attend a POWER HOUR during the second week of the Easter Break where we will discuss the tips below and make a plan for success.Here are 3 ways to help overcome exam anxiety!1️⃣ Find a tool that helps you feel calm. It can be anything, a breathing technique, getting cold, moving, changing posture, dancing etc. The important thing is finding a tool that works.2️⃣ Spend lots of time chatting about what comes after the exams. By focusing on what comes next, the exams begin to feel inevitable. This may appear a strange aim, however knowing a difficult thing is inevitable is much better for our mental health than trying to avoid it. When we know a challenge is coming we can begin to visualise those strategies for success.3️⃣Reminding yourself are not alone. Help them to identify who is there to help and in what role. Anxiety sends us into feelings of isolation and can make us focus on survival based on our own skill, and forget that people are a powerful resources.
There are only 15 places available each day, sign up quick (deadline for sign up is Thursday 30th March at 3.30pm). The link to sign up is in the All Learners Team (Senior Phase S4-S6).
Let’s start preparing now!
Jen (S.T.I.L.L. Scotland)