Category Archives: P6

P6 – Carlingwark

We climbed Screel the first day and went for tea at Scottish Pantry. On Day 2 we orienteered and mountain biked. The pupils were brilliant as were the Outdoor Ed instructors Alex, Ian and Mike. A big thank you from Miss Cooper & Miss Stewart to Miss O’Farrell and Eve’s mum for their help on the trip.


P6/5 & P6 – Disgusting Digestion

Pupils went on a fascinating journey through the human body last week when Body Works on Tour from Glasgow Science Centre visited the school. There were demos that explained the human digestive system and the circulatory system. It looks like Miss Stewart was having lots of fun!!

Fascinating Fact – A set of human lungs has enough surface area to cover an entire tennis court, and the capillaries in our lungs would cover 1,600km if placed end to end.

P6 – Term 3

Nobleskillz Modelling

During their recent Nobleskillz input P6 have been cooking, upcycling rubbish to create some fabulous art work, line dancing, model making and are currently singing. They have enjoyed all activities so far. During their modelling sessions they were challenged to reproduce a Spanish or a Scottish building in line with this terms theme. I think they made a fantastic job.

Nobelskillz dancing


Feis Rois

P6 have been benefitting from input from the Feis Rois musical initiative. They are learning Scottish and Gaelic songs and learning to play the Ukulele and Djembe drums. They have had a great time and enjoying this experience.


Let’s get Sporty

Every year the P6 year group get the chance to support the Nursery children when the Let’s get Sporty group come in to work with the children. They are having a great time working with the children, some of which will become their buddies next session.