Imogen, Emlyn and Robyn

This is Robyn’s, Emlyn’s and Imogen’s story spoons. We made them for World Book Day and we performed them to another trio. Our performance was about 2 girls forming a friendship with an Alien on Saturn. We had lots of fun making the spoons and we would encourage you to try this at home.

Burns Competition

On Saturday 15th of February pupils from Hottsbridge Primary School entered the Burns Competition. Everybody did so well.

I got second in the P4/5 singing class and also Erica got third. I also managed to get a third place in my fiddle class.


A great day!








By Zara Newton


P1-3 Stop Motion Animation Workshop

P1-3 had a great session learning about stop motion animation with John McGill.

First they used Pivot Stickfigure software to make a stick man on the screen move.

They then moved on to use ZU3D software and a webcam to capture multiple images of a figure they had made from OGO BUILD BITS and they were able to play back their videos.

Children also learned how animators use characters with an internal skeleton that supports intricate movements, as little movements are essential for fluid animations.



Next week the 17th-23rd of February we get to have a week off school! We will resume on the 24th of February till our next holiday, Monday the 6th to Friday the 17th of April 2020.