Digital School Award!

Hottsbridge primary school are proud to have won the Digital Schools Award (Scotland). It was a huge achievement, and all pupils and teachers are very proud. Some pupils took part in a meeting to discuss why they should be a digital school.  We heard that we won the award on the 16th of March, the school will receive a plaque and certificates. A big thank you from the pupils to the  teachers, Jen Hill and Jen Atkinson for helping us become a Digital School!


My Sheep

This is my sheep and they will be lambing on the 26th of March 2021. My sheep are heardwicks and the special thing about them they are always smiling at you.

Fun Facts About Minecraft

1 In Minecraft you can choose a skin and name.

2 You can create a world you can choose to be in creative or survival you can choose a seed for it and name the world.

3 Minecraft was made in 2011 november 18th.

4 Just before Minecraft was made mojang was going to call it cave game.

5 When you play minecraft you can do what ever you want to do.

6 In minecraft you would probably want to defeat the ender dragon.

7 On minecraft you might want to defeat the wither by getting soul sand and three wither skulls.

8 On minecraft you can find other places in minecraft by using a map.

9 In minecraft they have a new ore and its called nethite the only way to fine it is to be in the nether.

10 In minecraft you can get mod packs in it.

My Lego Technic car

Lego Technic is a line of Lego using interconnecting plastic rods and parts. The purpose of Lego Technic is to create more advanced models with cool functions (moving parts and motors etc), compared to the traditional brick building you do with normal Lego.

Lego Technic was introduced as the Expert Builder series and originally called Technical Sets in 1977 and was renamed Technic in 1982.

Technic sets often have lots of special pieces, such as gears, axles, and pins. Other special pieces include beams and plates with holes in them, through which the axles could be installed. Some sets also come with pneumatic pieces or electric motors.

At Christmas I got a Lego Technic Chevrolet corvette ZR1 it took me two days to build and it looks amazing! When it moves the engine parts move and the wheels and axles turn like the real car!!

Some examples of other Lego Technic sets are.


Cress and Catching!

We planted our cress about a week ago, and it has grown so much over a small period of time. We also are playing a game of catch everyday for two weeks to see if we can beat our record. Our record so far is 186 hopefully we can beat it! We have set ourselves until Friday the 12th of March to try!…Martha and Emlyn