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Show Day!!

On Saturday the 21st of September, I woke up at 6am to get ready for my big day! I got 3 rosettes on my fabulous pony Flora (two 3rds and one 4th.) I got one 3rd for best turned out pony and jockey. I also got a fourth and that was for a little show in front of the judge. I also I got a 3rd and that was for jumping 9 jumps in front of the judge.

By Erica Lane

More Maths Week Fun!

 As part of our “Earth, Moon and Sun” topic we have been learning about time. We have looked at years, seasons, months, days and telling the time using digital and analogue clocks. This week we made a giant clock in the playground and used it to help tell the time. P3 pupils are learning to tell the time in five minute intervals (both minutes past and minutes to) so were jumping around the numbers counting in fives.

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Stem Ambassador Visit

“Rebecca the Stem Ambassador came into Hottsbridge Primary to work with each class. She was very good at explaining the water cycle to everyone and helping us to filter our own dirty water. In the dirty water there was: half a cup of tap water, a spoonful of vegetable oil and three spoonfuls of cocoa powder. We mixed the ingredients until it was nice and dirty looking! After, we were able to see how water can be filtered through the rocks in the ground using sand. It was lots of fun.”



Back to school!

We are very existed to announce we are back at school, with some fresh faces and a lovely new teacher (Miss Barker). There has been some very smart p4’s and 5’s that are very existed to be in the big class. The maths was very enjoyable rounding with numbers and the art was great experimenting with paint. Every day after playtime we have half an hour reading and everybody  thinks it has really improved our reading skills, we all love our new space topic and we are working on a fact sheet about the solar system.


We came in and a few things are different firstly we have got a jigsaw puzzle with positive messages, and a Mary Poppins sign (In every job that must be done there is an element of fun find the fun AND SNAP, the jobs a game). We have got new class room jobs and a #voice check.


Well that’s from us we have had a memorable six days back.

Our First Weeks Back!

“Our first week back was amazing. We have been learning about Space for our topic, rounding to 10, 100 and 1000 in maths, writing letters to our favourite famous people, times table practice and experimenting with paints in art.

We have a rewards jar in class and are given raffle tickets by Miss Barker for following the class rules, listening to instructions and hard work.

P4-7 follow the #VoiceCheck, which is a light system that tells everyone when it is quiet, whispering or indoor voice time.

Everybody has a different classroom job and are responsible for carrying these out in the class.”




Numicon Shapes

P1 had fun exploring the first 5 Numicon shapes, using the feely bag to find and match them. Then they found things around the room to match the Numicon Shape. Lots of great maths language took place as they chatted about the activity. (Apologies for the poor quality of number 2! However if I missed it out it might have looked as if we got the sequence wrong!)

Decorated Stones

Excited to be seeing everyone again this week 🙂  These are the stones which P1-4 decorated at the end of term for the Middlebie and Waterbeck Show which is I believe is today! Good Luck to all who entered things that they did at home as well.

Swimming Gala 2019

 On Saturday (16th of June) some P4-7 pupils competed in an Active schools Swimming gala. We swam all different strokes such as front crawl, back crawl, breastroke and butterfly. We were in the small schools section. Also some of us won our heat and moved on to the finals!!!! It was an extremely fun day and very busy. Eleanor competed in the disability race and won front crawl and back crawl!!! We are very proud of her. Also Isla got second in back crawl. She was so close from getting 1st :(. Kayla got third in butterfly and it was also very close as well.

And to top it up, Hottsbridge won the small schools category over all!!!!!

Well done to everyone who competed.



Lockerbie Football Tournament

On Monday the 27th of May, Primary 5-7 pupils had the chance to take part in a football tournament. There were 4 primary sevens and 3 primary fives involved. There were a lot of  teams – some were: Italy, Spain, Chili and Brazil. We played in 3 games and then the quarter finals. Then we played in the semi final. Lastly, the final which Brazil won!!! 🙂

I had a really good time!