Whats a cats favourite colour?
Whats a cats favourite colour?
We planted our cress about a week ago, and it has grown so much over a small period of time. We also are playing a game of catch everyday for two weeks to see if we can beat our record. Our record so far is 186 hopefully we can beat it! We have set ourselves until Friday the 12th of March to try!…Martha and Emlyn
We have made some story spoons for World Book Day.
Here are some examples of Zara, Frankie and Martha’s story spoons.
Martha’s story spoon
By Martha , Frankie and Zara 🙂
The left part is the P1-3 class and the back of it is P4-7! Next to the P1-3 class is Mr Horn and Mrs Horn, Mr Horn used to part time teach all of us! Behind their garden is our playground with a shed full of toys for us. For lunch time we go in a porta-kabin (which is also in the playground) to eat in.
by Evie&Martha:)
On Monday the 27th of May, Primary 5-7 pupils had the chance to take part in a football tournament. There were 4 primary sevens and 3 primary fives involved. There were a lot of teams – some were: Italy, Spain, Chili and Brazil. We played in 3 games and then the quarter finals. Then we played in the semi final. Lastly, the final which Brazil won!!! 🙂
I had a really good time!
We went to Hoddom primary to take part in sports day. We did loads of activities such as running egg and spoon (well spud on spoon) . The next thing we did was beanbag race were you put a bean bag on your head and run to the finish line . afterwards we sat on the mats and heard the announcement to witch team had the most points . The points work by if you come 1st you get 3 points if you come 2nd you get 2 points and lastly if you come 3rd you will get 1 point . Red team won with 165 points.
by Martha