Author Archives: Emlyn

Balloon Challenge

Today we made the balloon rocket for our STEM challenge.We managed to make it go four meters. We tried cut the straw shorter to see if it would go further, but it just made it not travel as far and fast as the full straw did. In the end we couldn’t go any further because we didn’t have enough room or enough string. Maybe on a nicer day we could try to make it longer in the garden! It was quite hard to make the rocket because our cats kept trying to eat the string!🤣



Martha and Emlyn

Bluebell Wood

In Bluebell Wood we saw the fallen over log it was very spiky and long . Then we went down to the field and saw the fast windy burn with pointy rocks and we heard it splash and bubble there were no bluebells because it is not spring. We heard ravens roar and trucks whizzing by . It took all of the p4s to hug the very big tree and we saw evergreen trees and small beach trees and gigantic pine trees we and spiky pinecones and beach nuts!