Author Archives: Imogen

Digital School Award!

Hottsbridge primary school are proud to have won the Digital Schools Award (Scotland). It was a huge achievement, and all pupils and teachers are very proud. Some pupils took part in a meeting to discuss why they should be a digital school.  We heard that we won the award on the 16th of March, the school will receive a plaque and certificates. A big thank you from the pupils to the  teachers, Jen Hill and Jen Atkinson for helping us become a Digital School!


Scottish activity

I really liked learning about the Scottish body parts. Some of them were exactly like how we say them but some were completely different. I liked drawing the body and labelling all the different parts in Scots.

New books!

Hi everyone, for Christmas I got these cat books they have really funny names like Boudicat  and Clawdius. I am half way through I am spartapuss and I am really enjoying it!


Roald Dahl Poster

Hi everyone this is my favourite piece of work that I have done during homeschooling this year. I find Roald Dahl very interesting, I love all the characters in his books and I have read them at least 2 times. I collected lots of facts about him and I put together this poster!




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Imogen, Emlyn and Robyn

This is Robyn’s, Emlyn’s and Imogen’s story spoons. We made them for World Book Day and we performed them to another trio. Our performance was about 2 girls forming a friendship with an Alien on Saturn. We had lots of fun making the spoons and we would encourage you to try this at home.

Back to school!

We are very existed to announce we are back at school, with some fresh faces and a lovely new teacher (Miss Barker). There has been some very smart p4’s and 5’s that are very existed to be in the big class. The maths was very enjoyable rounding with numbers and the art was great experimenting with paint. Every day after playtime we have half an hour reading and everybody  thinks it has really improved our reading skills, we all love our new space topic and we are working on a fact sheet about the solar system.


We came in and a few things are different firstly we have got a jigsaw puzzle with positive messages, and a Mary Poppins sign (In every job that must be done there is an element of fun find the fun AND SNAP, the jobs a game). We have got new class room jobs and a #voice check.


Well that’s from us we have had a memorable six days back.

On Friday  the 17th of May Hottsbridge Primary School had a Spanish week. We got to plan a holiday anywhere in Spain and make a poster about it. We learned all about the months of the year and the days of the week. We also learned about colours such as  yellow: Jaune,  red: rouge and  blue: bleu. I think that we all loved Friday when we got to taste different Spanish foods like olives – that was lemon and herb. We also got to try crisps which are usually called Lays in Spain (they tasted a bit like barbeque crisps). The last thing we got to try was Spanish ham and chorizo.