My Inner-Self and Outer-Self Portraits

P5-7 are so excited to be back at school! During our first week back, we created self portraits. One side of our face shows our inner-self and the other side shows our outer-self. Do you recognise us? 🙂

14 thoughts on “My Inner-Self and Outer-Self Portraits

  1. Imogen

    It was so fun making these, we learnt a lot about each other that we didn’t know. We really got to show our creative side, I liked thinking about what could be an eye or a nose. They look wonderful up on the wall and you could know so much about a person by just looking at it. This was a very fun art task!

  2. Alfie Jack

    Your portraits are very nice. I like the details. I think all of them are cool. Good work everyone. I like how everyone has done so much to make sure that it looks nice for the blog. All of them are very nice.


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