Daily Archives: 26/08/2020

Our Invisible Strings

During Lockdown two of the stories we listened to were, “The Invisible String” and “While We Can’t Hug.” In the first week back at school we revisited the stories and thought about how we could greet each other in the morning and who we were still joined to by our invisible strings even though we were back at school.



Our Walk

On one of our walks we went on the crunchy, shell track and we went on Mrs Muir’s cool tree and it was fun! We heard the bubbling burn and we saw lots of small lady bugs. There is a big pile of small stones and we played on them. Today we went to the Bluebell Woods and we collected big and small pine cones. We also saw lots of slimy slugs! It was very steep in the woods and there was a massive fallen over spiky tree!

The burn on the shell track.

Our walk

Today our class went on a walk to the bluebell woods. We started to walk but someone forgot to put their boots on! So we had to go back to the school. After that we walked to the Bluebell Woods and we went down a really steep hill, which was fun. Then we hugged a tree and it took four people to hug it! We heard the gurgling stream, the busy traffic, the birds and gentle leaves.