New Year Activities

In Digital Literacy, we have been learning to make a maze game using 2Simple. Some people made their game about Pac-Man. The games looked amazing and it was very fun to make them!

Every Monday until the Easter holidays Emily Smith who is a part of Feis Rois visits us at Hottsbridge. She is teaching us to sing Gaelic songs with actions. We are starting to learn to play instruments that go along with the Wheel of Fortune.

On Thursdays we go to Eaglesfield to try and master classes in playground leaders, glass art, mindfulness, Fairtrade, and blogging. Also, we have P.E (gymnastics) – it is so much fun!

3 thoughts on “New Year Activities

  1. I am very happy that we have got Emily as our Feis Rois teacher she is a talented lady. She also plays the Accordion when she sings. I cant wait till next week!!

  2. Evie

    The Digital Literacy was SO fun, I got to learn how to make a game!
    Feis Rois was amazing, especially all the songs!


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