Monthly Archives: December 2019

Hottsbridge School Play 2019

It’s 2019 and to end the school term, we have got one of the best school plays ever at Hottsbridge! Trust me this is one for the history books. So get ready for ‘Lights Camel Action!’

Lights Camel Action is Strictly the Nativity. There are a range of twists and turns from the standard nativity with guest appearances such as the people of Nazareth and Caesar Augustus.

You can buy tickets right now!

Concession: £1.50

Adults: £2.50


On the first day of advent in school P1/2/3 listened to the Nativity story and discussed how they count down to Christmas with their Advent Calendars. We then explored other ways people mark advent and then made our own Advent Wreath complete with the five candles. Once we were finished we lit the first candle, the Candle of Hope. We learned that as they look at the light of this candle Christians celebrate the hope they have in Jesus Christ. Christians believe they can have hope because God is faithful and will keep the promises he made to mankind.



Water Topic STEM Visit

Last Tuesday, the P4-7 class had a lovely visit from Mrs Pickles, one of the Ambassadors for STEM.

Fitting in very nicely with our Water topic, the pupils were given the chance to show off their knowledge about what they had been learning. Mrs Pickles was very impressed with their answers, especially the vocabulary the pupils were using!

Mrs Pickles had shown us different experiments that helped to reinforce our learning of the water cycle, and the states of water. We got to watch steam and condensation form from a kettle boiling, observe water as a solid (ice), liquid (water) and gas (aerosol room spray), and pretend to be different states of water.

One particular experiment we were very interested in was the ‘cloud in a bottle’. This involved a bicycle pump, 2L plastic bottle and some liquid solvent. Air pressure from the bicycle pump was pushed into the bottle (which contained the liquid solvent) and a tight seal was formed around the top. We counted to 30 and the pump was released – this created a very clear ‘cloud’ inside the bottle! It was fascinating to watch.

We also enjoyed creating our very own paper plate water cycles. This helped us visualise the water cycle being broken down into the different stages. They will make a lovely addition to our wall displays!