Coding Workshop

Last Wednesday (30th October), the P4-7 class enjoyed a wonderful visit from John at ComputerXplorers. He delivered an excellent discussion about augmented and virtual reality in gaming, and provided the pupils with hands-on experience using augmented software. The pupils first used Quiver to make their coloured in pumpkins come to life; they then used Kodu to create their very own games. As you can imagine – they all had a blast! And if that wasn’t enough – John had brought his very own robots to show everyone how they moved.

7 thoughts on “Coding Workshop

  1. Avatar photo

    This was so incredible! It wouldn’t be possible without our wonderful Parent Council applying for funding to make this happen. Thank you!!

  2. Charlie

    It was very fun to make our own game and draw the pumpkins and make them into real life.

  3. Yes it was really fun we got to see robots and we drew a picture of pumpkins. John had an app on his phone and it was called quiver but the pumpkins came to life, it was cool. Also we got to make our very own world and we got add catchers in it! It was amazing to see and now I know how to make my own world.
    Thank you ComputerXplorers and thank you John.

  4. Jacob

    I remember when we got to make a game. We also got to see cool robots. I think the spider one was the best, the other one was also cool!


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