Dumfries Music Festival

On Friday the 15th of March our choir entered a competition for Dumfries Music festival. We had so much fun !!! We got two 1st and one 2nd. The songs we sand were ‘Holly the Hedgehog’, ‘Hallelujah’, ‘Gospel Gospel’  & ‘Happiness’. We sang ‘Gospel Gospel’ and ‘Happiness’ with Hoddom and Eaglefield. This is the shield… 

On Saturday (Zara in P4 & Isla in P6) Zara sang ‘A dream is wish  your heart makes’ and  she won and got a shield.This is what it looks like ……….


Also Isla sang ‘Castle on a Cloud’ and ‘The Lea Rig’ which she managed to get a Distinction awarded.

Lucy also recently took part in the Carlisle and District Music Festival and gained a Certificate of Merit as part of her group playing. Well done, Lucy!

5 thoughts on “Dumfries Music Festival

  1. Anna

    Well done girls – you did AMAZING! I loved watching your performances. Go team HOTTSBRIDGE WOO HOO!

  2. Imogen

    I Had so much fun singing all the great songs. I think the teachers did a marvellous job of teaching us the words. My favourite song is Holly the Hedgehog because it is nice at the end when Holly dances with Tortoise.


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