Annan River Race

On Sunday I went to the Annan River Race (Hosted by my running club). We had to do 2 and a half miles of sprinting and I was so tired afterwards but really proud of myself. My number was 91 and I won a medal for it. We had to do a route of up hills through woods and along the river. I was in the under 13’s race and all of the other girls were in S1 I was the smallest of them all. An S1 was behind me and we raced to the sprint line. After we had finished I literally fell on the ground with exhaustion I had greatΒ fun doing the Race πŸ™‚

15 thoughts on “Annan River Race

  1. Callum

    Well done Anna. You’ve always been a great runner since we were toddlers!
    Keep up the good work, Callum

  2. We loved cheering you on and watching you race. Looking forward to more races this season and hopefully some medals! #speedygonzalez
    Love, Mum x


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