Monthly Archives: June 2021
Take a look at our new addition to the school entrance!
Since lockdown, a group of children has been working weekly on a mosaic to liven up our school entrance.
A mosaic is a pattern or image made of small pieces of coloured stone, glass or ceramic, held in place by plaster/mortar, and covering a surface. Mosaics were particularly popular in the Ancient Roman world. The children incorporated aspects of school life which is important to them into the design, here is their final piece…
We are proud to present their hard work and artistic talent, we hope you like it too!
So long, farewell…P7’s Leaver’s Assembly.
Yesterday we said goodbye to our ‘Class of 2021’, it has been an unusual time lately, working to give them the farewell they totally deserve.
Even on the morning of their assembly, further CovidĀ 19 restrictions were put in place. However, in spite of that our school community worked together to ensure that the show must go on (adhering to the new restrictions)!
So here it is ‘Well Done’ and ‘Good Luck’ to our team of eleven P7 leavers. To view the ceremony click on this link;