Take a look at our new addition to the school entrance!

Since lockdown, a group of children has been working weekly on a mosaic to liven up our school entrance.

A mosaic is a pattern or image made of small pieces of coloured stone, glass or ceramic, held in place by plaster/mortar, and covering a surface. Mosaics were particularly popular in the Ancient Roman world. The children incorporated aspects of school life which is important to them into the design, here is their final piece…

We are proud to present their hard work and artistic talent, we hope you like it too!

So long, farewell…P7’s Leaver’s Assembly.

Yesterday we said goodbye to our ‘Class of 2021’, it has been an unusual time lately, working to give them the farewell they totally deserve.
Even on the morning of their assembly, further Covid  19 restrictions were put in place. However, in spite of that our school community worked together to ensure that the show must go on (adhering to the new restrictions)!
So here it is ‘Well Done’ and ‘Good Luck’ to our team of eleven P7 leavers. To view the ceremony click on this link;


Dangers of Starting Fires and Hoax Calls

The school holidays are coming up and you may be looking to do lots of fun, exciting things.  However, please do not be tempted to start any fires.  Even if you think a fire is just a small one they can grow very, very quickly and you or your friends may get injured.  You might also damage property or kill wildlife.


Never make hoax calls either as this will take fire engines away from being able to help someone who is in real trouble – at a fire or in a road accident.


If you start any fires yourself they are called deliberate fires.  These are dangerous and we will tell the Police about them and they will investigate them.  If you make hoax calls we will know who you are and we will pass that on to the Police as well.


However, if you see a fire that is unattended please phone 999 or tell an adult. You will never get into trouble for being honest.


Have a safe and fun holiday.

Hoddom’s Sumdog Superstars!

[20:38] Mrs Maxwell

Two hundred and sixty-five schools took part in the Sumdog’s regional maths competition. I am delighted to see two of our classes competed and did us proud.
P5/6 did exceptionally well given they were not able to get on every day as their computer room slot coincided with other events we had organised. A big thank you to all my pupils who worked their socks off at home to ensure they were placed near the top, at one point they sat in 13th position.
Besides it is not the winning, it is the taking part and participating so enthusiastically which they did…WELL DONE!

Remembrance Day service

Pupils from our partnership are contributing a reading at this year’s Remembrance Day Virtual Service.  This has been pre-recorded by Rev Chris Wallace and will be streamed on Sunday 8th November at 10.55am.  Erin Nelson is representing Hoddom.  I’d like to share the link with you so that you can watch it if you would like to. Please copy and paste it into your browser.


Well done and thank you, Erin.

We will be having a minute of silence at 11am on Wednesday to pay our respects in school.

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