Play on Pedals

Play on Pedals is a training programme that supports and develops the cycling skills of nursery age children. Play on Pedals training provides the learning, skills and resources to promote cycling to early-years participants in a fun and interactive way.

This one-day training course is relaxed and friendly and is a mixture of classroom and practical sessions.
It will equip you with skills and ideas about how to deliver a fun and safe session with a group of pre-school children and will also provide you with information about linking the games to the Curriculum for Excellence, as well as next steps for both yourself and your group of children. Spaces on the training course are limited to two practitioners per ELC setting.

Your role as a Play on Pedals Instructor is to lead children through fun and informative sessions using the lesson plans and resources made available. Many of these sessions will be delivered using small balance bikes – which don’t have pedals. The aim is to support the children to develop their balance and control skills by scooting. When they have developed their skills and confidence, there will be the opportunity for the children to move on to pedal bikes. There is no need for instructors to have any experience of special knowledge of cycling.

Once you have undertaken the training, we will provide each participating ELC with a loan fleet of bikes/helmets (3 balance bikes, 2 first pedal bikes, 5 helmets). These will generally be on loan for one year. We currently have 16 fleets (80 bikes). Once the loan period is over we provide support to the ELC to purchase their own fleet (investigate funding sources, provide bike specification details, suggest where to buy) so we can eventually move our fleets to the next group of ELCs who are going through the training.

If you would like to register your interest in taking part in this programme please email Rebecca Topping,

You can find out further information on the Play on Pedals programme via the following link: