Newsletter – w/c 08.11.2021

Dear Families and Friends of Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools,


Covid-19 Update

You will be aware that there has been an increase in the amount of Covid-19 cases reported in our local area.  Please continue to complete regular lateral flow tests and if you or a member of your household becomes symptomatic then stay at home and book a PCR test.  (Your child may attend school if their PCR test is negative even if another member of your household receives a positive test.)

If you or your child experiences any of the following three symptoms then stay at home, book a PCR test and wait for a negative result before returning to school.

Symptom 1 –  a new or continuous cough

Symptom 2 –  a fever/ high temperature

Symptom 3 –  a loss of sense of taste or smell



Staffing Across Our Partnership Schools

Congratulations to Mrs Marscheider who is our new Acting Principal Teacher (Mon-Thurs) at Gelston Primary School.  Letters have been sent home to explain arrangements in more detail.



Remembrance  Day – 11th November 2021

Pupils at both schools will be marking Remembrance Day by observing a two minute silence and learning about the significance of the day.

At Crossmichael, Mrs Henry will attend to play the Last Post.

Mr Cooper from Gelston Community Council has provided Gelston pupils with a wreath to lay on the war memorial in Gelston village.



Active Schools Input at Gelston Primary

At Gelston,  Active Schools are providing a block of Gymnastics lessons with P1-3 each Friday.  They are also running a lunch club for all ages to participate in.



Limitless Kids Club

A free after school club for P5-7 pupils is being held each Wednesday from 4-5pm at the Hub Youth Centre, Blackpark Road, Castle Douglas.  Here is a copy of the flier:



School Photographs – Tempest Photography

At Gelston, pupils had their photographs taken last week.  We hope you were pleased with them.


At Crossmichael, our Parent Council requested that we have school photographs taken which is now possible as we can have volunteers in school.  Therefore, we have booked Tempest Photography to take individual and family photographs on Tuesday 7th December.



Dates for Your Diary 

We are currently setting dates for school Christmas dinner and Christmas parties.


The Christmas Holidays begin on Thursday 23rd December.  Staff return on Wednesday 5th January and pupils return on Friday 7th January.


Best wishes,

Mary Cruickshanks


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