Newsletter – Monday 7th September 2020

Dear Family and Friends of Gelston Primary School,


We have had another lovely week at school.  I enjoyed teaching our P1-3 pupils on Friday.  They were very helpful in solving a maths investigation about coloured buttons!


How much has the ‘lock down’ impacted on learning?

Every year in Primary 1, pupils complete a standardised assessment at the start and end of the year.   We have just completed the ‘end of P1 assessments with our current P2s.  The results show that the children are slightly behind where we would expect them to be.  We are pleased to see that the gap is not as huge as we anticipated and teachers are working carefully to ensure that all pupils reach their full potential.


Teachers have been gathering evidence of pupil progress from formal assessments and from examples of their school work.  We now have targeted interventions in place for some pupils who need additional support.


We are continuing with the ‘Closing the Literacy Gap’ and ‘Closing the Numeracy Gap’ interventions after the October holidays.  Until recently the guidance provided to schools was that staff had to remain in the same school where possible.  Therefore, our Learning Assistant (Mrs Clifton) who is trained in the interventions, was not able to travel between the two schools.  She is currently completing a block at Crossmichael Primary School then will be based at Gelston to complete a block here.  (We plan to train more members of staff in the future so that these approaches are sustainable.)


Our Additional Support for Learning Teacher, Mrs Hermon, will be coming to Gelston next Monday to complete specific assessments with some pupils.


I have been in touch with families to organise Child’s Plan meetings.  A Child’s Plan meeting happens when a child has multi-agency involvement to support them in reducing/ removing barriers to learning.


Covid-19 Updates

I will continue to provide updates as I receive them.


Best Wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


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