Newsletter – Monday 24th August 2020

Dear Family and Friends of Gelston Primary School,

I hope that you are well.  I wanted to update you on the guidance issued to school about signs of Covid-19 on Tuesday 25th August.  You should not send your child to school if they have any of these three symptoms:

  1. A new continuous cough
  2. A high temperature
  3. A loss or change to their sense of smell of taste

The advice from the Health Protection Team is that Children / Staff who are unwell but not displaying the standard 3 x COVID-19 related symptoms should also not attend school e.g. sore throat, colds, vomiting / diarrhoea general unwellness.

Please see the poster issued last week:

Schools building sign for illness


What if we have a confirmed positive case of Covid-19 in school?

We have stringent risk assessments in place in the event that a person displays symptoms of Covid-19 when in school.

If this was an adult then they would be sent home immediately and would book a test.  If this was a child then we would isolate them in a quiet room until they could be collected and taken for a test.  Their siblings should also remain at home during this time.

If the test comes back negative then the adult/ child can return to school once they are feeling well again.

If the test is confirmed as a positive then the adult/ child would need to isolate for 10 days.  The school would be thoroughly deep cleaned.

The school will cooperate with Test & Protect procedures and follow guidance from our Public Health team to ensure that all members of our school community are kept safe.


 £400 Grant Award from Castle MacLellan Foods Ltd 

We are delighted to announce that we have successfully received a grant for £400 from Castle MacLellan Foods Ltd. to buy equipment for our infant outdoor area.  If we have any parents who are good at making mud kitchens from wooden pallets or helping to build a large sand pit then please let us know!


Our Tatties!

Alfie and William helped to dig up our tatties last week and Mrs Fenwick cooked them for lunch.  Yummy!


Best wishes,

Mary Lidstone-Scott


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