Newsletter – Monday 22nd June 2020

Dear Family and Friends of Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools,


Update on the Return to School

I am sure you are aware that when schools return in August (staff on 10th August and pupils on 12th August), we will be operating with two days in school, two days at home and one flexible learning day.  We are still clarifying what the ‘flexible learning day’ will look like and I will be in touch with more information as soon as possible.  I do know that your child will not attend school on that day.


Thank you for returning your responses to the questionnaire I sent out last week about preferred days.  This information is helping us to plan for the return to school.  We are in the process of sorting out pupil groups and will share this information with you as soon as possible.



Keeping in Touch

Thank you for continuing to keep in touch via email and Facebook.  Please continue to check that your child has completed the weekly Health and Wellbeing questionnaire.  I am growing concerned about a few children who have not been in touch for over a week and despite leaving telephone messages, I have not yet heard from their parents.  Please remember to contact me just as if we were in the school building and your child was absent.  I have responsibility for safeguarding and ensuring that all pupils are safe and well.



Learning at Home

I cannot thank you enough for everything that you are doing to support your child’s learning at home.  Next week, teachers will not be providing learning grids as it is a transition week.  They will provide you with a generic list of suitable activities instead.



End of Year Pupil Progress Reports

Next week, you will receive and end of year summary report of your child’s progress.  I have also included a letter explaining the breakdown of curricular levels.



Cancellation of the P7 Virtual Leavers’ Meal

Sadly, we have had to cancel the P7 online meal.  We were trying to think of an alternative way of providing pupils with a leavers’ meal but in practice, an online version would not work.  I hope that we can meet up again at another time when restrictions have relaxed.



P7 Transition Days

Castle Douglas High School are providing online transition activities for P7s this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.



P1 Transition Arrangements

I have invited P1 parents and children for a brief tour of the school on Thursday 2nd July.  We will continue to communicate with new P1 parents via email.



Pre-Recorded End of Year Assembly

Next week, we plan to share a pre-recorded end of year assembly with you.  If there are any P7 parents who would prefer their child’s speech not to appear on the school blog, then please notify the school office as soon as possible so their speech is not included in the public forum.



Crossmichael Parent Council Meeting – Monday 29th June

Crossmichael Parent Council are meeting at 7pm on Monday 29th June via the ZOOM app.  If you wish to be invited then please email Mrs Gilli Hodson at before Friday 26th June so she can send you a user ID and password.  (I am aware that some pupils are moving to Crossmichael from Gelston over the holidays.)



Supporting Families and Education Staff with Wellbeing

I have been asked to let you know that the Educational Psychology and Educational Visitor Telephone Consultation Service will be available throughout the summer holidays.  Please see links to this information:

supporting children poster


Also, there are useful free webinars aimed at parents.  Please see the link below:




Once again, thank you for your support and please get in touch if you have any questions.  My telephone number is 07741 686730 and you can email the school offices.  The addresses are:



Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


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