Newsletter – Monday 15th June 2020

Dear Family and Friends of Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools,

Updates for August

I have no further updates about the return to school.  I have several meetings this week and I will keep you informed once I have more information available.


Transition Arrangements for New Pupils

I will be contacting all parents/ carers of pupils who are new to the school so that they can come for a short visit including a tour of the school on Thursday 2nd July.  Each family will be given a different 10 minute time slot and we will follow social distancing advice.  Please save the date.



End of Term Arrangements for P7s

We are preparing a pre-recorded ‘Leavers’ Assembly’ for the last week of term.  Our P7 pupils are busy recording their speeches.  I will be delivering the P7 gifts to your homes throughout next week.  We are arranging to have a virtual meal via ZOOM on Friday 26th June at 6.30pm.  The school will pay for this if parents could collect the ‘take away’.  Miss Campbell is currently looking into menus and prices for both schools.  We will contact you separately to make arrangements.


Learning at Home

In the last week of term (w/c 30th June) teachers will not be sending out learning grids but will provide you with links to suitable websites where your child can access materials if they wish.  Staff will be focusing on transition arrangements and organising the digital materials associated with this.


Staffing and Classes

We welcome Miss Nicole Drummond as the P1-3 teacher at Gelston for next year.  Miss Scott will be working from home until her Maternity Leave begins.


At Crossmichael, I am interviewing class teachers on Monday 26th June for the P1/2 vacancy.  I also hope to have someone in post to cover Miss Campbell’s Maternity Leave. 


Parent Council Meeting

We had a Parent Council meeting on Tuesday 9th June.   The link to the minutes can be found here:

The link to parental support from Connect Scotland and D&G can be found here:


Please get in touch if you wish to discuss anything further.


Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


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