Newsletter- Monday 9th March 2020

Parental Engagement – A Quick Survey!

Thank you to everyone who has responded to our short survey about parental engagement.  We will have the results to share with you soon.  If you haven’t yet completed the survey then the link is below:


Coronavirus Advice from the Local Authority

Please see the previous post for advice from our Local Authority.  We continue to remind pupils to wash hands thoroughly and schools are being provided with antibacterial soap and hand sanitiser.


Primary 4 Curricular Swimming

Primary 4 pupils continue to attend swimming lessons every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 25th February until 12th March.  Transport is provided.


What’s On This Week:

Monday 9th March  – Curling for P6 pupils

Tuesday 10th March  – P4 swimming and Headteacher out all day

Wednesday 11th March –  P4 swimming and Headteacher out all day

Thursday 12th March-  P4 swimming, Parents’ Evening from 3.30pm – 5.30pm


Diary Dates:

Thursday 12th March



Monday 16th March at 6.30pm

Parents Evening



Lockerbie Manor Information Evening at Crossmichael Primary School for our current P5s and P6s who will be in P6 and P7 in Feb 2021.

Wednesday 18th March


Parents Evening
Thursday 2nd April at 6.30pm School Show – ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’
Friday 3rd April at 2pm Easter Service in Village Hall


Photos will be uploaded shortly…


Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


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