Newsletter – w/c 6th September 2021

Dear Families and Friends of Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools,


Covid-19 Update

I hope that you are well.  You will be aware that the number of reported Covid-19 cases continues to be high across Dumfries and Galloway.  I am pleased to report that this appears to reflect normal community transmission and there does not appear to be a cluster of outbreaks within any one school.  We continue to follow advice from Public Health Scotland and have health and safety arrangements in place in schools.


If your child or a member of your household experiences a new, continuous cough, a fever/ high temperature or a loss in sense of taste and/or smell then you should isolate immediately (do not come to school) and book a PCR test by following the appropriate link on the website below:


Please refer to the following document for further information about how Covid-19 cases are managed in schools:



Managing-covid-in-schools.pdf (



Class Facebook Groups

If you wish to be added to your child’s closed class Facebook group then as administrator, please request to be my friend – Headteacher Crossmichael-Gelston and I will add you to the appropriate group.



Termly Class Newsletters

Soon you will receive a class newsletter detailing important dates and notifying you of PE days, etc.  It will also let you know what your child will be learning this term.



Parent Council Meeting

Gelston Parent Council will be arranging their AGM soon.  Further details will follow soon.



Best wishes,

Mary Cruickshanks



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