Newsletter – w/c Monday 14th December

Dear Family and Friends of Gelston Primary School,


I hope that this newsletter finds you well.


Christmas Dinner –  Monday 14th December

We had our Christmas dinner on Monday 14th December.  Thank you to Mrs Fenwick for the lovely meal.  Congratulations to Zosia whose name was picked from the hat.  She and a friend will enjoy a morning of baking with Mrs Fenwick later this week.


Christmas Donations for the Food Bank

One of our school aims is to BE KIND.  Thank you to everyone who donated items for the Food Bank.  These have been passed on to Castle Douglas Food Bank who will distribute items for us.


Christmas Cards

Unfortunately, we are not sending Christmas cards this year because of Covid-19 restrictions.


Christmas Parties

Our Christmas parties were a huge success and it was lovely to see the children and staff enjoying themselves.  Please look at the class Facebook pages for more photographs.

Christmas Pantomime – Thursday 17th December

Normally we take pupils to the Fullarton Theatre to watch the pantomime.  This year we have decided to buy an online pantomime (Jack and the Beanstalk) so that pupils can watch it in their classrooms.  Our Parent Council has kindly agreed to pay for the pantomime and to provide refreshments for pupils.


Christmas Video Clips

We may not be able to invite you in to school/ church for our Christmas Service so we will do things differently this year!  Pupils have been busy preparing performances to share with you later this week.  Watch this space!


New School Dinner Menu for January 2021

Here is a link to the new school dinner menu for January 2021.

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Thank you once again for your continued support this term.  Have a wonderful Christmas holiday and a Happy New Year!


Best wishes,

Mary Lidstone-Scott



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