Newsletter – w/c 09.11.2020

Dear Family and Friends of Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools,


Remembrance Day

Our pupils are decorating stones with poppies to lay at the war memorial in the village.  On Wednesday, we will have a two minute silence at 11am and pupils will be learning more about Remembrance Day by completing activities in their classrooms.  Thank you to those who have provided donations to wear poppies.  These are still available in school.


Children in Need – Pyjama Day on Friday 13th November

Some pupils have asked if we can wear pyjamas to school on Friday to raise money for Children in Need.  If your child wishes to wear pyjamas or to come in casual clothes for a small donation (suggested £1) then that would be fantastic!  All money raised will go to the charity.

Unfortunately, we are not permitted to sell baking at the moment so please do not send any into school.


Physical Education in Schools – Covid-19 Update

New advice from Scottish Government is that children can now participate in indoor PE lessons providing that necessary precautions are taken.   Activities will be planned to minimise the use of equipment as this is deemed to be safer for pupils.  Any equipment used needs to be cleaned and sanitised between lessons.


Music in Schools – Covid-19 Update

Music lessons can take place outdoors or under a gazebo (with open sides or equivalent) with appropriate physical distancing where possible.  There must be no sharing of musical instruments between learners in class.  Pupils should wash hands before and after touching any equipment.  Equipment must be cleaned and sanitised between lessons.


Face Coverings in Schools – Covid-19 Update

Face coverings should be worn by adults where they cannot keep two metres from other adults and / or children and young people.  Face coverings should be used by adults when not working directly with children, for example when moving around settings or when in staff rooms, administrative areas or canteens across all school settings.

We continue to ask that adults wear face coverings when dropping off/ collecting your child from school.


Ventilation in Schools – Covid-19 Update

Where practical, windows should be opened at least 15 mins prior to the room being used.  External doors do not require to be wide open. Doors and windows should be partially opened to provide ventilation while reducing draughts.   Internal doors will be kept open unless they are fire doors.  Seating arrangements will be reviewed in classrooms to ensure that pupils are not sitting in a draught.   The wearing of school uniform will be relaxed so that warmer clothing can be worn.  Indoor heating will be adjusted to compensate for cold air flow from outside.


Reporting to Parents

We normally hold parental consultations in November but due to the pandemic these will be carried out differently this year.  Instead of ‘face to face’ or telephone consultations, teachers will provide parents with information via email.  If any parents/ guardians wish to speak to the teacher then they can contact the school office and make a telephone appointment.



If you are having issues with receiving group texts or emails from school then please contact the relevant school office:

01556 670282

01556 502415

We no longer use the Expressions app in our schools.

You may communicate via telephone, email or the blog.

You can also access our class Facebook pages to find out more about what has been happening in class.

If you wish to contact me directly then please telephone me on 07741 686730.


Best wishes

Mary E Lidstone-Scott



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