Important Covid-19 Update – Friday 30th October 2020

Dear Family and Friends of Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools,

Face Coverings (Adults) – from Monday 2nd November

The Scottish Government has issued updated guidance to all schools this afternoon which includes a change to the guidance on the wearing of face coverings for adults (staff, parents and visitors) in Primary Schools. (Primaries will now have the same procedures as Secondary schools).

From Monday 2nd

a) Face coverings should be worn by adults wherever they cannot keep 2m distance with other adults and/or children and young people in or out of the classroom.

b) At all times, when moving around the school, adults should wear a face covering e.g. in corridors, office areas and staff rooms.

c) Face coverings should be worn by parents and other visitors to all school sites (whether entering the building or school grounds), including parents at drop-off and pick-up.

The update guidance applies to all adults and face coverings will now need to be worn unless there is an exemption.

The advice for children has not changed and there is no need for children to wear face coverings but are welcome to wear one if they wish when moving about the school.

We have tried to keep our routines as normal as possible but, from Monday, the wearing of face coverings in the playground by adults and when moving about the school will be introduced and could I please ask that you share this news with your child(ren) so that they will be aware of this change in time for Monday.

Thank you for your support and patience as the new Scottish Government guidance filters down to school level.  Please remember to wear a face covering when dropping off and collecting your child(ren).  This will help to keep us all safe.

Best wishes,

Mary E. Lidstone-Scott


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