Weekly Newsletter – Monday 26th October 2020

Dear Family and Friends of Gelston Primary School,


Welcome back to our second term of 2020/2021.  I hope that you had a restful October holiday.


Class Newsletters

Teachers will be sending class newsletters home in the next few weeks so that you have some information about what your child is learning in school this term.



Remembrance Day Poppies

We will be distributing poppies to pupils for a small donation.  The poppies have been quarantined for three days and will be handed out using gloves.  Pupils should bring in a donation from tomorrow.



Friday 30th October – Halloween Costumes/ Non-Uniform Day – £1

On Friday we are having a non-uniform day for a suggested donation of £1 towards school funds.  Pupils (and staff) can wear Halloween costumes or casual clothes.  Please do not send your child to school with a mask or face paint to avoid the risk of cross contamination.  Pupils will engage in Covid-safe Halloween activities in the afternoon.



Ventilation and Wearing Extra Clothing in School

Schools have been advised to ensure that there is adequate ventilation to minimise the spread of Covid-19.  We must also keep classrooms as comfortable as possible.  Classrooms will be heated but windows will be partially open to allow for air flow.  We ask that pupils bring in an extra jumper or fleece (not necessarily uniform) to keep them warm this term.



Flu Vaccinations

Children received flu vaccinations prior to the October holidays.


If you wish to discuss anything further then please contact us via the school office email.  You may also contact me on 07741 686730 if required.




Best wishes

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


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