Update to the weekly blog – 09.10.2020

Dear Family and Friends of Gelston Primary School,

School Dinner Winner!

Jacob was the winner of Mrs Fenwick’s school dinner competition which ran this term.   He won a prize and has also picked his favourite meal – Pizza/Spaghetti and Meatballs followed by chocolate brownie and ice cream for dessert.  Well done Jacob!
P1-3 End of Term Treat
Pupils in P1-3 enjoyed decorating biscuits and watched a movie in the last afternoon of term.  Thank you for all your hard work boys and girls!


P4-7 Puppet Show

P4-7 pupils created sock puppets and performed short video clips for their friends.  Thank you for working so hard this term boys and girls!


Have a wonderful October holiday!

Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


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