Newsletter – w/c Monday 28th September 2020

Dear Family and Friends of Gelston Primary School,

It has been a particularly busy week across the partnership schools so I apologise for not updating the blog with a newsletter last Monday.


Help to Find Funding for An Outdoor Classroom

We would like a wooden shelter/ outdoor classroom in our playground.  We will need approximately £10K to enable us to build one.  At Crossmichael, our Parent Council were awarded a grant of £10K from the Blackcraig Windfarm Community Fund.  Unfortunately, we do not qualify for this funding.  Please can I ask any parents who are willing and able to help us apply for grants, to contact the school?


Playground Developments

I have listened to our pupils and they have asked for more play areas within our playground.  We are keen to use materials that are low cost and local.  Pupils have been looking at some ideas.   They plan to contact local businesses to ask for donations of paint, tyres, sand, gravel, black silage sheeting, tarpaulin,  wooden pallets, wood, etc. so that they can build play areas.   Here are some examples of play areas that the children have looked at:

If you have any items seen in these pictures that you could donate to school then please contact us.  (We are always looking for small cars and other vehicles!)

We also received £400 to go towards our playground developments from Castle McLellan Foods Ltd.


Parent Council Annual General Meeting 

We had our meeting last Monday and the minutes will be uploaded to the Parent Council Page as soon as possible.

Mrs Abby Tuchewicz  is standing down after a year as Chairperson.   I would like to thank her for her support in that time.  We were not able to appoint a Chairperson so role bearers have decided to take it in turns each term as Chairperson.


Good Luck Miss Scott!

Miss Scott started her Maternity Leave on Friday.  We wish her good luck with the birth of her baby and look forward to hearing the news!

Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


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