Weekly Newsletter – 25th November 2019


Welcome to our New Clerical Assistant

This week we welcome Mrs Georgina Benson to Gelston Primary School.  She will normally be in the office from 9am-3pm on a Tuesday and Friday.  This week she is joining us on Monday 25th and Wednesday 27th November to enable her to work alongside Miss Campbell and Miss McNeill.  We hope that you will make her feel very welcome.



Communication and Data Protection

In the interests of Data Protection, we wanted to ensure that we are no longer holding pupil details on unused apps or websites.


I have contacted the administrator of the old websites and I have asked them to delete the websites and URLs.


We continue to send GroupCall texts to your mobile phones.  GroupCall is directly linked to data from our Council based SEEMiS system.


The Expressions app is also linked to GroupCall and SEEMiS but we do not use it after gathering feedback from parents.  You may delete the Expressions app.




Parent Council Survey

Our Parent Council have prepared some information to introduce themselves and this is included on their blog: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/dg/gelstonpc/ .  (This is also located on the right hand side bar of the school website under the heading, ‘Gelston Parent Council Updates’.)


One of the first things that they would like to do is to try and make our Parent Council as accessible as possible. To help them to work out how they might achieve this they have prepared the following short survey:


Click link to access survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/KYGDMHL


The survey will remain open until 5pm on 10th December 2019 when it will close and they will review the feedback received.  Please see the Parent Council blog for more information. 


Gelston Diary Dates 
Monday 25th November at 11.30am P4-7 Feis Rois Ukulele Performance in the Village Hall

Parents and families are invited to watch pupils perform some pieces on the ukulele.

Tuesday 26th November at 6.30pm P7 Open Evening at Castle Douglas High School
Friday 13th Dec at 2pm Achievement Assembly

All parents and families are invited to the village hall so that pupils can share their achievements in learning within and out with school.

Monday 16th December at 12pm School Christmas Dinner
Wednesday 18th December Christmas Parties

P4-7 may arrive wearing their party clothes/non-uniform and change into uniforms before lunch.  P1-3 may bring party clothes/ non-uniform with them and change at lunch time.

Thursday 19th December at 7pm Pantomime at the Fullarton Theatre

Pupils from Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools will attend the theatre to see Cinderella.

Details will follow nearer the time.

Friday 20th Dec at 2pm Christmas Service

Parents and families are invited to join us for our Christmas Service in the village hall.






















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